File 20: Wilby.txt

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"Hey, Tommy?" You ask the 16-year-old 

Tommy was staying with Sky for a week because their parents were on a trip. He didn't want to stay home alone so he came to his sister. 

Recently, the two gamers had been bonding with helping his sister start a gaming channel on twitch. She was already well known for being on multiple of Artemis's streams so when sky announced she wanted to start a twitch channel, people were excited. 

"I haven't seen Wilbur recently. He hasn't been popping up and he usually is here at least twice every month." She said and sat up correctly "I'm worried but recently, I saw a clip of him talking and saying how you were his best friend the only reason he was getting out of bed." 

"Really?" Tommy asked "I'm sure Wilbur is at his house, I think he'd like to see you."

"I'll get ready then." She said and stood 

What she didn't know is what the blond was hiding from her, Wilbur's feelings. 

The older man had trusted Tommy with his genuine feelings about the woman and Tommy was happy that he trusted him with that. So he wanted to help his friend. 

Wilbur knew he had competition with multiple people already. Technoblade, Sapnap, Karl, and Quackity being four. He knew that for her it was all Rp and maybe having fun with friends but he knew those four had feelings. 

It was obvious. He knew because they all started showing small details of affection. Technoblade was writing poems in-game and leaving her favorite Minecraft flower, a Lily of the Valley.

Karl was sticking to her side and made her a little flower garden and a room at his house. 

Sapnap showed by small things like complimenting her and giving her a random thing with a book with a long description of what it means. 

Quackity kept singing her songs. He would ask her to name a song she knew and he would look up the lyrics and sing it to her. 

He can only hope he could win her over. 


She stood at his door, hand up ready to knock but hesitated. What if he didn't want to see her? 

She shook her head and knocked. No doubt is going to stop her from helping him. She waited for a bit and as she went to knock again, the door opened to a new face. 

"Hi, I'm Y/n. It's a pleasure to meet you, I'm here to see Will?" She asked leaning forward a bit in hope 

"Will? William?" They asked, "He's downstairs, but may I ask how do you know him?" 

"I'm his friend. I'm not sure if he talks about a Y/n?" She asked wringing her hands nervously 

"Oh? Oh! You're Y/n?" They asked and she nodded "Come with me. I'm sure he'd love to see you." 

She walked in with her backpack filled with extra clothes, a charger, and money. "Is he okay?" She asked 

"I'm not sure. He hasn't come up much so I'm hoping that you can talk to him?" He asked and knocked on the door 

She heard the rustling of bed sheets and the footsteps. Soon the door opened and she saw a messy-looking Wilbur. 

"Will?" She asked tilting her head 

"Y/n? What are you doing here?" He asked, "Come in, Come in." 

She walked in and said "I came because I was worried. You haven't been coming over when you usually do and it's been almost two months." 

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