"Let's train together!"

Start from the beginning

"Some normal school stuff!" The class cheered happily while Bakugo sat a little straighter in his seat looking very determined.

"The UA Sport Festival is a very important event, bigger than the Olympics. This is a chance for you all to be scouted out by heroes and work in an internship and learn more about being a hero." Mr. Aizawa explained. "You have two weeks until the sport festival. So I suggest training as hard as you can if you want to be the top."

You were determined be one of the top.


"What the hell do you guys want?" Kirishima said as we looked outside our classroom, there were students from other classes surrounding the exit so we were trapped.

"I would not let you hold us hostage!" Mineta cried

Nah, they will trample you

"They are scouting the competition you idiots." Bakugo said pushing past you.

A boy with purple hair stood in front of the door.

"Move, you damn extra."

The purple hair boy just looked around at our class. "So this is the famous class 1A huh? What a disappointment if this is what we're against."

"WHAT DID YOU SAY?" Bakugo yelled and I rolled my eyes.

"Has a big ego too." The boy said, "The sport festival is our chance to get scouted out, that means they will be replacing people in your class. I always wanted to be in the hero course but ended up in general studies instead. I plan to replace one of you."

Bakugo just rolled his eyes and walked out while some guy with silver hair yelled at him.

I sighed and walked out of my classroom but out of the corner of my eye I saw the boy glaring at me, what's his deal?

I looked around and saw Bakugo walking out of the school gates and I ran over to catch up to him.

"Hey boom boom boy!" I said as I caught up to him.

"Would you stop calling me that ridiculous nickname? Its fucking annoying!" Bakugo said glaring at me and I chuckled nervously.

"Ya ya whatever, I want to ask you something!" I said smiling as I jogged to keep up with him.

"What?" Bakugo asked slightly rudely. 

"Let's train together!" I cheered looking at him for his answer.

"Pft, why would I want to train with you." 

"Because I need to improve my combat skills you idiot, plus you are good at fighting." I said smirking knowing that the last comment will get him to say yes.

"Fine you idiot, after school we will go to a field near my house tomorrow." He grumbled as he started walking faster.

"Wait up you idiot! You are too fast!" I complained breaking into a run.

----NEXT DAY-----


You and Bakugo were walking towards the field he said you guys were training at. You were happy that he agreed to train with you knowing that he was a great fighter.

As you approached the field you started chuckling.

"What the hell are you laughing at dumbass." Bakugo grumbled slightly annoyed

"I can clearly see that you train here." You said pointing at the burnt dead plants scattered throughout the field.

"Hah? So what? This proves I'm a great fighter!" Bakugo yelled at you while you laughed.

I'll see you again (Katsuki Bakugo x Fem!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now