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Thursday meant more sleep for Lucifer. Now that he needed to use the electric drill to put some shelves on the wall, he didn't want to wake Chloe too early with the noise. So, he decided to continue his work after Chloe and him come back from the precinct.

Used to waking up early, Lucifer couldn't fall back asleep. He turned his head, locking his eyes on Chloe. He never gets tired of admiring her beautiful face and hair. Her shiny blonde hair, her perfect eyebrows under which lie her amazing ocean-blue eyes that hidden by the eyelids. Her eyes were his favourite feature, he would always get lost in them, they were just so beautiful, shiny and full of love. Then it comes her small, cute nose and under them, his second favourite feature, her soft lips that he would kiss all the time if he could.

He was so lost in his thoughts about her that he lost the track of time. Suddenly, Chloe slowly started to wake up, yawning and stretching a lot.

"Good morning, my love", Lucifer said and smiled at her from above.

"Good morning, Lucifer", Chloe said and turned to him, "how come you're not in the baby's nursery?".

"I need to use the drill to put some shelves on the wall and I didn't want the noise to wake you up. You deserve a peaceful sleep, so I'll continue with the baby's room when we're done with our work", Lucifer said and caressed her cheek.

"That's very kind of you, thank you", Chloe said, " just out of curiosity, where do you plan on putting them?"

"I haven't thought about it. Any suggestions?", Lucifer asked.

"I thought it would look good next to the door, on the left side, you know, where is less space", Chloe said very precisely.

"Well, you just saved a bunch of hours of my life with that suggestion. Thank you, Detective", Lucifer said and kissed her.

"Hours?! I'm glad I had a specific spot in mind", she said and giggled, "we should get ready".

"Only one tiny change. I'll go and prepare some breaky for us while you get changed", Lucifer said.

"Sounds great, I almost feel bad for not doing anything in this house", Chloe said.

"You shouldn't ever feel bad. You are doing more than enough my love. Growing our little creature and catching murderers plus taking care of your other offspring. You are incredible", Lucifer said and kissed her.

"I can't believe you're the one playing the pregnancy card and not me", Chloe said while quietly laughing, "but you're just amazing. Thank you".

"No problem, my love. You are the one amazing here", he said and kissed her again before he went to prepare the breakfast.

"Just take the damn compliment!", Chloe yelled so that Lucifer would hear her from downstairs.

"Never, Detective!", he yelled back which made Chloe smile and roll her eyes.

Then, she got up, took some clothes from the wardrobe and went to the bathroom. She would always look at her belly, morning or evening, and smile. Even if she didn't like the thought of getting bigger, Chloe was proud of her daughter growing fast and healthy.

After she was done, Lucifer served another one of his fancy but consistent breakfasts, then they headed to work and let the day pass.

Luckily, today was an easy day and for the most of it they had only paperwork to do. But Lucifer didn't even want to think about leaving early, he stayed next to Chloe at her desk and helped getting the paperwork done. She felt like Lucifer was being a little overprotective, but she knew he was just staying by her side as he promised.

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