Final preparations

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Saturday started to feel like any other day of the week since Chloe stopped working. The only meaning that it had right now was "the last day of Trixie's staying" and since she was slowly ( but in fact, extremely fast) becoming a teenager and she still had school, the only day on which she could have plans was Saturday.

The little one's plans blended perfectly with Lucifer's and Chloe's plans on finishing their shopping spree.

The morning started in the wonderful way that Chloe would never get tired of. Their bodies were gently touched by the autumn sunlight of Los Angeles. Lucifer would always wake up first since Chloe entered in her 3rd trimester and wasn't able to have a proper sleep anymore. Waking up often during the night automatically meant sleeping past her usual waking up time.

Knowing that he probably had thirty minutes to one hour before his beloved would start waking up, he gently got up almost holding his breath when Chloe mumbled something. When Lucifer looked at her again, he realized that she must've been dreaming and he just smiled at how adorable she was. God, does he love her.

He went to get properly dressed and prepared some fluffy chocolate pancakes, a breakfast that Chloe seemed to enjoy a lot these days. He was actually glad that he started to understand how Chloe's preference in food changed and what she liked and disliked. But he wouldn't have survived without the Internet, which told him exactly what food is the best for pregnant women.

He wasn't ready when a door suddenly opened, signaling that Trixie woke up.

"Ah, good morning offspring. Let's not be too loud, shall we? Your mother is still sleeping", Lucifer said.

"Okay", she said and yawned, still being sleepy, " good morning. What are you preparing?".

"My famous chocolate pancakes", he proudly said when she saw her eyes widening of excitement.

"You really need to teach me how to make them so fluffy", Trixie said.

"Interested in cooking are we? It will be my pleasure, urchin", Lucifer said and continued cooking while Trixie was curiously watching him.

Not very long after that, the pancakes were already put in three medium black plates with the chocolate syrup above them.

When Chloe woke up, the sweet smell of her new favourite breakfast didn't let her lay in bed for too long. Not that she would've stayed too much anyway, her bladder wouldn't let her. Still, she stretched a little before completely getting up, letting out a lazy moan. She quickly took some clothes from her wardrobe and hurried to the bathroom, this way making her presence known. After she was all dressed up, she followed the same sweet smell to the livîng room, where apparently the table was set and three plates were waiting for them.

"Mommy!! Good morning!", Trixie said and went to hug Chloe when she noticed her. "And good morning lil' sister", she said and lowered herself to kiss her mother's belly.

"What an amazing way to start the day", Chloe thought, smiling at her daughter.

"Good morning, monkey", she said and kissed her forehead, "something's smelling good".

"That must be my very praised pancakes", Lucifer said while coming to her. "Good morning, my love", he then said and stole a kiss from her.

"Good morning", Chloe said and smiled at him, " let's eat now, I'm starving".

Lucifer let out a quiet laugh before leading the ladies to the table. He was more than happy seeing them emptying the plates even faster than the last time. He even felt silly for getting so much joy from a thing so little, a gesture so domestic, but he wouldn't trade his life for anything.

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