Too many worries for a single Devil

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The next day Lucifer didn't show at work. Sure, he was feeling bad for not helping Chloe with a case, but at least he had a good excuse. He needed time to process all that's happening in his life so that he won't let down the Detective.

Right now he was sitting in the penthouse's balcony. He didn't know why, but he felt so much anger towards his Father that he just threw his Devilish coin to the sky.

Was this child just another manipulation of His?Was this his punishment on Earth now that he got away from Hell?

Not knowing His plans for him, Lucifer froze. He needed Linda right in that moment. So he flew to her.

"Doctor I need you", he said interrupting another session.

"Lucifer I'm in the middle of something", Linda said poitining to her patient.

"Oh sure", he turned over to the man on the couch, " how about you let me talk to Dr. Martin and you'll remain unharmed?", he said smiling at him with his red, shiny eyes.
The man ran away as fast as he could, making Linda pretty mad.

"Lucifer, what the Hell! That was my patient!You can't just not show up on your sessions and storm in and scare away forever another patient of mine"

"Look Doctor I'm sorry but something very big happened to me", he said looking desperately in her eyes.

"Fine", she sighed, "tell me what happened".

"The carrying my spawn. And I don't know what to do. The Detective wants it and as much as she tries to convince me that I'll be a great dad, that's not how I feel", Lucifer figured it out he had to let Linda process the information too.

"Woooww wait. Chloe is pregnant?With your child?", Linda was amazed, she thought Lucifer would look a lot worse than this.

"Yes Doctor I've just said that, say something helpful please"

"Well, if you do not feel the same way as Chloe, then how do you feel?", Linda said trying to understand Lucifer's side.

"I don't know...manipulated by dear old Dad, scared by the future, overwhelmed. This is just too much for me. But I shouldn't be the one being a cry-baby, Chloe is the one carrying my spawn and I didn't see her freaking out once.", Lucifer said with frustration.

"Okay, slow down a little and let's take one emotion at a time. Why do you think you're being manipulated by...God?Is this about the <<he put Chloe in my path>> thing?", Linda asked.

"Of course! If he put Chloe in my path why not put an offspring too?I mean He's God, He can do anything. What if this is His way to torture me?"

"Lucifer, if you've learned anything from your time on Earth is that you need to take responsability for your actions. You don't know if this is God's doing or not, so instead of wondering this for the rest of your...immortal life, maybe you should just take responsability for this one", Linda said hoping Lucifer will get it right this time.

"Ugh Doctor it's bloody hard. But I think you're right this time" he sighs. " But if this is what I need to do so I won't hurt Chloe, then it's worth it"

"I'm glad you decided that Lucifer, it's really mature of you. Now please tell me more about your fear of the future. What exactly are you afraid of?"

"Well, where do I start Doctor? With the fear of letting down the Detective?Or my spawn?As I told her, I would be a terrible father. Just look at how I live my life, I own a nightclub, make impulsive decisions, drink and smoke everywhere I go and make deals with shady humans. I sure am not an example for any little creature. Mine would eventually turn out like me. And that spawn doesn't deserve this, having its fate decided before it can do anything", Lucifer said with his heart almost breaking.

Linda understood him completely. He's the Devil, he wouldn't just think on his own "Oh, I will be a great father". She knew he needed his family to support him, or he will do something stupid. Like when he got married in Vegas when he and Chloe finally got close.

"Lucifer, your baby's fate isn't decided before birth. You're not a monster and neither will your baby be. I've known you long enough to be able to say that. And for me it seems like you really care about it, you're so concerned about how your baby will be like in the future that you don't see how much you already love it. And Lucifer, for the people you love you'd do anything, I saw that myself too. You may not know anything about parenting, but you can always learn. Chloe already had a baby before, I'm sure she would be more than happy to teach you. But you're so scared to accept that this is happening that you don't see how much you already love that little thing that's growing inside Chloe."

Lucifer was confused. It took A LOT of time to admit he was in love with Chloe, how could Linda be so sure that he loved his child a few days after he found out about its existence?
But somehow he knew she was right, God's plan or not, he cared too much already about the little creature that he couldn't do anything to hurt it.

"Of course", he smiled nervously, "thank you...Linda, for all of this. From now on, no more Lucifer Morningstar the famous, handsome club-owner. Embrace Lucifer, the new expecting father, but still charming. I can do this."

"One step at a time, okay?I'm sure it won't be easy, but it will be worth it. Don't be too hard on yourself, for Chloe is important just to be there for her, nothing more", Linda smiled at him.

"And I will be by her side no matter what Doctor. Thank you again. Oh and sorry about that man I scared away, but hey I'm sure the news I brought were worth it"

"Yeah...don't do that again", Linda said laughing.

"That I can't promise. Well have a nice day Doctor, I have to see Chloe now"

"Have a good day too, Lucifer"

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