Only one knows

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The following week, no-one saw Chloe as excited as she was on Tuesday. Even though she wasn't going to be the one who'll get to know the baby's gender, she was going to see her baby again after all. Which now definitely looked like a baby on the ultrasound.

Lucifer and Chloe were preparing to go to sleep after a long day of work, but when in bed, they both looked like something was on their minds.

"Anxious about tomorrow?", Chloe asked.

"Maybe a little, I'm saving the rest for Saturday", Lucifer said, "Detective...whenever I think about it my heart starts pounding very fast and I become stressed and talkative. And I only felt it when you were poisoned or kidnapped by my stupid twin brother, Michael".

"You mean you're scared?", Chloe asked.

"The Devil doesn't get sca....okay maybe I am a little. But mostly because everyone around me is so bloody excited that it makes me feel bad for not being the same", Lucifer said in defeat.

"Lucifer, it's okay if you're scared. I am too, because our lives are drastically changing, not anyone else's. That's why we can be more stressed than excited than everyone else. That doesn't make us bad parents", Chloe said comforting.

"Thank you love, you're amazing", he said and kissed her, then he let her stay more comfortable in his arms. "Still no response from the little creature?".

"Still no response", she said sadly, "if we didn't have an appointment tomorrow I'd be more freaked out".

"Don't stress too much, I'm sure everything's fine. Now let's sleep, shall we?", Lucifer said.

"You're right. Goodnight", Chloe said smiling.

"Goodnight", he responded.


Another dream. Again. Chloe didn't have one about her baby since she found out about her invulnerability. Now she was in her daughter's room and the little one was waiting for her.

"Mommy, quick!Come here", she said and closed the door behind her.

"What happened?", Chloe asked worried.

"I don't have time to tell everything, but I'm here to warn you. Bad people may come uninvited soon. Please be careful mommy. And tell this to daddy too, he needs to know", the little one said very worried.

"What are you talking about? What people?", Chloe asked confused.

"Ones that I can't protect you from", she said.

And then she woke up, all sweaty and her heart was pounding out of her chest. She got up and looked at the clock, "4 a.m.". But her sleep was totally gone after that dream. She went downstairs and drank some water to calm a little.

The sensation of an empty bed made Lucifer wake up too. He remembered the last time Chloe woke up in the middle of the night and went worried to look for her. And as soon as he found her in the kitchen, he calmed down.

"Detective, why are you up so early? Is anything hurting you?", Lucifer asked worried.

"I'm okay this time. But I had a very strange dream with our baby again, but this time it wasn't some cute little moment. She warned me and wanted me to warn you too", Chloe said scared.

"Warn me about what?", Lucifer asked confused.

"She said that some bad people that she can't protect me from will come uninvited", she said, "this must be something about Saturday. Lucifer, what are we going to do?".

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