Angel talk and upgrades

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Crashing into Lucifer's arms, Chloe couldn't stop thinking about what happened. Her baby really protected her from the gunshot. Being invulnerable helped her worry less about her safety when she was working, but this also confirmed that her baby had a powerful angel side that would make a great target to the demons from Hell. Or maybe even God.

Exhausted from the day and the thoughts that were attacking her, Chloe fell deeply asleep.
She was again at the crime scene. Alone. It was silent, no people walking by. Chloe entered the store again, scared that she will experience the gunshot again. But it wasn't the case now.

Morgan showed up again. "It's good to see you again, Detective, now that there's no-one here to protect you". And before she could say anything, the man shot to her.

Once again, the bullet didn't hurt her. But this time, it wasn't because she was invulnerable. The same little girl from her first dream came with her splendid white wings between Chloe and the bullet, so it would hit one or her wings.

"There's always someone to protect her", the little girl said before Chloe shoot Morgan for the second time. And without even realising, he was gone.

"Mommy!", the little girl exclaimed and hugged her, "are you okay?".

"Yes...I'm okay", Chloe said a little shocked, "are you okay? Your wing is bleeding".

"It's nothing, it will heal. I'm glad that you're okay, that's all that matters", she said, "I want you to know that I will always protect you".
And right in that moment Chloe woke up. She had so many questions for the little girl and now she was convinced that the baby was communicating with her through her dreams.

"And I will always protect you", Chloe said quietly while rubbing her stomach.

It was 7 a.m., but Chloe took that Tuesday off (considering what happened), and she still couldn't manage to fall asleep again. So she just stayed there, watching Lucifer sleeping peacefully. He looked like an angel, with his beautiful dark hair, soft face and hidden dimples that she loved so much. She leaned and kissed him on his cheek, then she got up and took a long bath.

"Hi there, my little baby. I...I just wanted to thank you, you know, for yesterday. You really are my guardian angel and even though I'm no celestial being, I will do everything I can to protect you....As your daddy said to me more than once, you're special and I'll have to learn so much from you", Chloe said to her baby. Even though she was convinced it's a girl, she had that one dream with a boy that was still haunting her mind.

While she was in the bathroom, Lucifer woke up due to her absence. The first thing that he felt was panick. But as soon as he heard the shower, he sighed relieved. He owed the world to his baby for protecting the love of his life.

When she went to prepare breakfast, Lucifer came and hugged her from behind, for the first time putting one of his hands on her tummy.

"Good morning, my loves. How are you feeling?", Lucifer asked while he placed kisses on her cheek and down on the neck.

"Mhm we're good", Chloe said smiling, "we had a little talk during the night until now".

"If this is one of your talks when you just say things and that's it, then I'm not interested", Lucifer said before he went to take a bath himself.

"Actually the baby responds, but in a different way", Chloe said loudly.

And hearing that, Lucifer took the fastest bath of his life. Then, he made his appearance in his black tuxedo. "Tell me everything".

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