Last holiday as a family of three

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"We should pick the tallest one!", Trixie exclaimed before going out of the house.

Already two weeks into December, Trixie was the most excited one about Christmas. She usually would decorate their fake Christmas tree that she and Chloe had for years, but now she somehow convinced both Chloe and Lucifer to buy for both their home and the penthouse a natural Christmas tree. And knowing how big Lucifer's penthouse is, Trixie would finally have the pleasure to choose from the biggest and tallest trees for sale, a thing that she wasn't able to do until now.

"We will monkey, but we won't pay a fortune for it", Chloe said.

"Nonsense, Detective. She can choose whatever she wants, I will pay", Lucifer said.

She rolled her eyes. Of course Lucifer would pay so that her daughter will be able to pick exactly what she likes, but she still felt wrong paying too much on a Christmas tree which will die in a few weeks, especially with the warm weather typical for Los Angeles.

"Thanks Lucifer", Trixie said and went to wait for them in the car.

                           . . .

Two weeks into December also meant Chloe's 38th week of pregnancy. Her belly was getting in the way of everything, a thing that made her easily frustrated, but Lucifer would always be there to help her. He even shaved her legs with no concern, knowing that he couldn't make her bleed and he also helped her to get up or put on her shoes.

Besides helping her get around, they also started going to appointments weekly since week 36 started. Doctor Rivera would do normal check-ups, measurements and final tests, assuring them each time that their little angel was fine.

How it was already December, Lucifer couldn't tell. In all his immortal life, he never felt the time ever passing this fast. It terrified him that in a blink of an eye he will find himself with their little creature in his arms, but he also couldn't wait to feel that rush that Amenadiel told him about.

Now, he was putting on his shoes while Chloe chose to wear one of her long coats.

"Can you help me to put on those boots?", Chloe asked while pointing to the pair that she wanted to wear.

"Of course, my love", Lucifer said smiling. While being on one knee, he first put on her right boot and then her left and looked up to see Chloe smiling at him.

How could she not think of a certain thing while seeing her beautiful partner staying like that in front of her? But would Lucifer ever want to get married? Did he even think about it? Should she try to bring up the subject? No, for now she has to focus on the present. It was almost time to give birth and the life with a newborn is far from easy. Even if they would get engaged, they would have to wait a lot before even thinking about wedding plans.

So, Chloe shoved away the idea and was just happy at the sight of Lucifer below her belly, an image that made her smile to the point when her cheeks would hurt. How she got so lucky, Chloe didn't know.

If there's something she never regretted was having Trixie. She couldn't believe how beautiful, smart and amazing her little monkey, who never stopped pleasantly surprising her.

Now, she was getting the chance to raise another little girl but with Lucifer, who was with no doubt the love of her life. And what made her even happier was that Lucifer became someone she could always rely on. He still kept his immature, childish but charming character, which of course she expected, but Lucifer also proved that he was able to be commited in their relationship and he was ready to protect his family at all costs.

"What is it, Detective?", Lucifer asked confused, making Chloe come back from her thoughts as he was getting up.

"Nothing...I just love you", she said while looking into his beautiful, dark eyes.

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