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With Saturday settling in, Lucifer was finally able to sleep a little more. To his surprise, when he opened his eyes, Chloe was now the one looking at him. Her beautiful shiny eyes were telling everything, how much she loved him, how grateful she is that he's in her life. And her smile, it was showing pure joy.

"Good morning, Lucifer", she said and leaned to kiss him.

"Good morning, Detective", he said and smiled, "I see you're the early bird today".

"Yeah, I didn't sleep very well, not because of nightmares...I am so impatient to see that room. And besides the fact that I have a hard time falling asleep, this little one", she pointed at her belly while speaking, "likes to wake me up at three or four in the morning".

"I'm sorry to hear that...but if you desire so much to see that room, why don't you just go? I left it unlocked since yesterday night", Lucifer said.

"I don't know. I guess when it comes to really doing what you wanted so bad to do, the impatience mixes with some realisation know, the thought of <<wow, this is really happening>>", Chloe said.

"I freaks me out a lot too. But knowing that I have you by my side it's the only thing that actually keeps me from going insane", Lucifer said while looking at her reassuring, "don't worry my love, the little creature's room looks beyond wonderful, no doubt because I made it. When you'll see it, all your worries will go away, I promise".

Chloe chuckled at his remark and said "I am sure that's true, but I want, if I'm going in that room today, a little more time".

"Of course. Do you want to do something special today? Like have lunch at some nice place?", Lucifer suggested.

"Hmm, is this a date invitation?", she asked smiling. She missed going out. A lot. These past few weeks they were so busy, she totally forgot how a full relaxing day felt like.

"Maybe", Lucifer said, waiting for her reaction.

She just rolled her eyes, "of course I want to go out with you. I really missed it and after a few months I'll totally miss it".

"Then it's settled. Until then, why don't we spend the morning at Lux? I'm sure we have much more things to do there than here. Plus, it will make your temptation to go away", Lucifer said.

"Sounds good to me", Chloe said and got up, but not before giving Lucifer another kiss.

After he got dressed, Lucifer prepared something to eat just for Chloe while he made some phone calls. He wasn't hungry at all, he couldn't wait to be in his old home again.

"Detective, let's take the Corvette this time", Lucifer said.

"Are you saying this because you want to be the one driving or because you miss the car?", Chloe asked.

"A bit of both. But if you want, you can drive it, I just want to have a ride with a car of my style", Lucifer said.

"I'm flattered, but you should drive it, I'm sure you miss your old lifestyle. At least a part of it", Chloe said.

"Honestly, I just miss the spectacular view and my piano. Maybe the huge bar but it's better if I don't have it here. But the fact that I get to see you every day and every night it's worth sacrificing them ", Lucifer said.

"That's very sweet of you...and I got an idea. Let's spend the most of the days when Trixie's not home in the penthouse", Chloe said and smiled when he saw Lucifer's face light up.

"Really? That is an excellent idea Detective!", Lucifer said excited.

"I'm glad you like it. Let's go now", Chloe said.

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