And now she knows

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Already in the 6th week of her pregnancy, Chloe scheduled an appointment for next week, on Friday. All she had to do now was to prepare Lucifer.

Meanwhile, in the past week Lucifer consumed all the sites and blogs about pregnancy that he could find and then he even borrowed a book from Linda. Reading all of that stuff made his brain hurt and the only thing that came into his mind was :"Why the Hell do women want to go through this?Cramps, fatigue, nausea, mood swings, bloating, acne, weight gain and so more other symptoms just to have a crying machine and tax burdens?And let's not talk about the patience and money that are needed to raise one! Humans really are a mystery".

With Trixie being at Chloe's that week, they had to be careful so she wouldn't find out about the baby. They planned to tell everybody about it after the first ultrasound if everything was okay.

So, after work, Lucifer went with Chloe and picked up Trixie from school (to her surprise).

"Hiii Lucifer!! Hi mommy", she said overenthusiastic.

"Offspring...hi", he said trying to get away from a possible and awkward conversation between the two of them.

"Hi monkey. How was school today?", Chloe asked smiling.

"Boring for the most of the part. And I have tons of homework for tomorrow, ugh", Trixie said sadly because she wanted to spend more time with her mom and Lucifer.

"It's like torture for small humans", Lucifer said fascinated, "no wonder why everybody hates it".

"Mommy says she liked school when she was my age. She told me that she was the A-student that all her classmates were jealous of."

Lucifer tried so hard not to laugh hearing this.

"Did she though? Sorry to break it to you offspring but I'm sure jealously wasn't what they felt."

"Oh shut up Lucifer", Chloe said embarrased.

Trixie laughed at their conversation. She was happy that her mother found her special someone. And she liked Lucifer a lot too, since the day he scared that bully.

As they got home, Lucifer started to prepare something to eat for the ladies while they spent some time together in Trixie's room.

"Mommy, I know I have homework to do, but can we talk a little bit before?", Trixie said as she throwed herself on the bed.

"Of course monkey, what's on your mind?", Chloe asked as she sat next to her.

"Well, lately you've spent a lot of time with Lucifer...aaanndd you're pretty moody. Did he do something wrong?Or hurt you?", she said worried.

"No monkey, that's not the case at all. It's just that lately....some things changed into my life and I need to adjust to these changes. But I am perfectly fine. And Lucifer is great, you shouldn't worry about me", Chloe said and hugged her.

"What changed?", Trixie asked curiously.

Chloe didn't know what to say. Of course her daughter deserved to know the truth, but she and Lucifer agreed to tell everybody after the appointment, not before.

"Well...uhm...", her mind froze. She couldn't lie to her, but she also couldn't tell the truth by herself.

Luckily, Lucifer was eavsdropping their conversation and entered the room.

"Detective, can we talk?", he said a little quite.

"Of course. Monkey, can you go and set up the table, please?"

"Fine...", Trixie said dissapointed. She knew adults are complicated but if there was one thing she hated was her mother keeping secrets from her.

Being in the room alone, Lucifer went closer to Chloe.

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