The non-missing name

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With another Monday coming, Chloe was now 22 weeks pregnant. All the night before, the only question that bothered her mind until she fell asleep was "What name are we going to give you?". Plus, not having any dreams of her daughter didn't help this process. Chloe wanted so bad to see her again, even for just a few seconds, hoping that a name would pop into her mind. But, deep down, she knew it wouldn't help her at all. She didn't forget how her daughter looked like in her dreams, she even remembers every little detail of her beautiful face. Chloe just missed seeing it.

Waking up earlier than on Sunday made Chloe yawn a lot before she actually opened her eyes. She suddenly felt cold, even if if was hot outside. Then, she recognized that Lucifer wasn't holding her. He wasn't next to her or in the bed at all and when she looked at the clock, it was past the hour she usually wakes up during work days.

Overwhelmed by all the things she had to do in a short time, Chloe grabbed some random decent clothes, dressed up and put her hair in the classic pony tail.

Meanwhile, Lucifer was preparing breakfast for the ladies and Trixie was getting ready for school. He was slowly starting to get used to her presence, so he decided to prepare some sandwiches for her lunch.

Chloe came right when he was about to start.

"Good morning, Detective", Lucifer said, happy to see her.

"Good morning", she said and analyzed the whole situation. There was breakfast ready on the kitchen's counter, Lucifer had four slices of bread in his hands and Trixie's backpack was already at the door.

"Take a seat, my love. I'm preparing your offspring's lunch today", Lucifer said while grabbing another plate.

"When did you do all of this? Why didn't you wake me up?" Chloe asked suprised and a little upset.

"Because I wanted you to be fully rested. You said it yourself that you have a hard time sleeping these days", Lucifer innocently said.

"That's...true", Chloe said defeated and started eating, "but please wake me up from now on when you wake up".

"Understood", Lucifer said and called Trixie to eat when he was done making her sandwiches.

After some time, when they were all done eating and getting ready, Lucifer and Chloe took Trixie to school. Before they got to the precinct, Chloe got a phone call that obviously meant a new murder. She left the road to the precinct and went directly to the crime scene.

"There's a beach murder waiting for us", Chloe said while driving.

"Bloody Hell this brings back unwanted memories", Lucifer said, thinking of the moments when his Chloe and Cain were a thing.

"Yeah, now if I think about all that happened back then I can't believe that so much stuff actually happened. I almost got married!", Chloe said.

"Detective please don't wake up more memories. You have no idea how I felt during those times, especially because I knew that Cain wasn't in love with you. But if I told you this back then, you wouldn't have believed me", Lucifer said frustrated.

"I know...I'm sorry, but let's be grateful that a lot passed since then and look where we are now", Chloe said and smiled.

"Yeah, well, I like how things are now", Lucifer said and made Chloe smile even more.

As they arrived at the crime scene, Ella was already taking photos and, as soon as she saw the two of them coming, she excitedly greeted them.

"Decker, Lucifer! Hiii! God, I don't think I will ever get used seeing you coming together. It's so cute", she said.

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