Almost party time

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After that Monday when Ella ecstatically took the news and was over the moon when she saw her goddaughter's ultrasound photo, they all started the real planning. Influenced by everyone around her, Chloe took a day off on Wednesday. That day was also Ella's day off, so they all agreed to meet at Lux so Lucifer would do the proper presentation of the location where the party will take place.

When Wedesday morning settled in, Lucifer and Chloe took the luxury to wake up at least at nine. They stayed there, in bed, holding each other in a way that Chloe could stay comfortable. Lucifer stood there with his left hand into hers, both of them on Chloe's belly. They silently stayed like that for a while, just enjoying eachother's company like they were the only ones in the universe.

"We should get up, I have to prepare Trixie for school", Chloe said after a while but Lucifer didn't let her move.

"Five more minutes won't kill anyone", Lucifer said and lifted her up a little so he could kiss her.

"Mhm, maybe you're right", Chloe said and kissed him while her other hand went through his beautiful dark hair.

And so, five minutes became ten and then fifteen until Chloe insisted to get up.

After she got ready and dressed, Lucifer secretly watched her preparing Trixie's meal. She looked gorgeous, especially with that smile on her face while she was talking to her daughter.

"She truly is the best mother anyone could ever have", Lucifer said to himself and went to get ready, the image of his Chloe smiling still in his head.

When he was done, he joined the ladies in the kitchen and listened to Trixie's complains about school until it was actually time to go. Feeling a little better that day, Chloe insisted to drive and Lucifer couldn't deny her. After they left Trixie at school, they headed to Lux, which was extremely silent in the morning time.

With the elevator's door opening, Lucifer was the one to first enter the penthouse, but not before grabbing Chloe's hand. He playfully took her to the balcony. Even though it was day outside, they enjoyed the beautiful view that the penthouse had to offer.

Chloe was feeling at the top of the world from there. Lucifer was hugging her from behind, not wanting to ever let her go.

"This view is amazing...I don't think I will ever get tired of it", Chloe said.

"You are clearly more amazing than the view, my love", Lucifer said and kissed her cheek.

"Aww, shut up", she said and turned around to kiss him.

After that, he responded with a soft, beautiful smile that always made Chloe's heart melt. She felt the luckiest person to have the most wonderful man by her side for the rest of her life. And together they had to prepare a new party for their incoming daughter, an idea that sometimes still felt surreal.

Soon, Ella entered the penthouse and started freaking out a little about how big that place was.

"Luce! Chloe, hiiii!!", Ella said and ran to hug them both.

"Hi Miss Lopez"/"Hi, Ella", Lucifer and Chloe said simultaneously.

"This place is crazy, but totally your type", Ella said to Lucifer.

"I kind of know that", Lucifer ironically said, "make yourself at home".

"This is AWESOME", she said and started looking around.

"Okay, enough, let's get all done with the baby shower", Chloe said and everybody went on the couch.

"Okay, so I got your list yesterday night. Anyway, most of the people already know, so the invitations will be just a formality, but I will manage to send them to everyone tomorrow", Ella said and Chloe nodded.

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