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Chloe was starting to feel more and more terrified as she was having the same symptoms that she had 12 years ago, but only worse: morning sickness, weird cravings, mood swings plus the new sensation that something is wrong with her body, including the burning sensation. Even if she knew in her mind what was happening, she still denied it.

"No", she was saying to herself, "Lucifer is the Devil, how am I supposed to carry his baby? He said to me so many times that a celestial and a human can't procreate, he was sure of that" she was thinking. And yet there she was panicking about the possibility that she was pregnant. She had to make sure of it before ruining the whole day with her fears.

Chloe quickly went to the closest pharmacy and bought a box of pregnancy tests, still not being able to believe that she was in this situation.

When she got home, she ran to the bathroom and took them. Now she only had to wait. It seemed like forever, she was nervous, but she needed to be brave. After all, she loves Lucifer with all her heart and nothing could change that. They were in a meaningful relationship, so a baby could only ruin it or make it 10 times better.

The minutes passed and the tests were waiting for her next to the sink.

"C'mon Decker, you can do this. You've done it before, you can do it again" she said to herself as she was approaching to the bathroom.

Her heart skipped a beat as she saw all the tests having the same conclusion :"Pregnant". Holy shit she really is carrying the Devil's child. It still felt so surreal to her as she placed her hand on her flat abdomen knowing there was a life growing inside there. For a moment, all the stress and worries stopped. The realisation that she's going to be a mother again hit her like a train. Happy little tears were coming from her eyes and in that moment she knew that she'll do anything to protect that baby and grow into a beautiful human being.

That's when the reality hit her. "Human". That baby is definitely not human, considering the burning sensation she had, the worsening symptoms of pregnancy and of course the fact that it was the Devil's baby. If Charlie had his chance to be a human, this one will certainly not have any chance at the human thing.

"Is this baby going to be the new King/Queen of Hell? Is it going to grow wings inside me?How is the birth going to be?Will Lucifer ever accept a child into his life?"

Even if the rest of her questions were more important, the last one meant everything for Chloe. He always hated children, he didn't have the best familly too, what if he didn't want to have anything to do with her and the baby? The idea of losing Lucifer hurt her to another level, and even though she knew Lucifer loves her too much to leave, she was still thinking about every option that could happen in her head. It almost started to hurt, so the only way to stop her mind from hurting her was to tell Lucifer the truth. So she called him.

"Lucifer, I'm coming over to your place" she sounded unsure and a little scared.

"Chloe did something happen?Are you okay?", he said pretty worried.

"I'm okay, it's just that I have to tell you something and it's better if I do it in person", she said and with that she hung up the phone.

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