She's moving!

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Two more weeks have passed quicker than Chloe and Lucifer thought they would, considering the less interesting work. Plus, both Ella and Dan were trying their best to avoid speaking about their cases so Chloe won't secretly start her own investigation and who knows what else. At this point, she was even considering not going to work at all and taking a break these remaining months. After all, this was the last week of her second trimester and she knew how uncomfortable she was going to feel soon.

Though, she wasn't going to complain. Next week, she and Lucifer have an appointment for a 3D/4D ultrasound, which they just couldn't wait for. Seeing what their little girl is doing in there will surely be a good reason for their heart to melt.

Thursday night, even if they were spending it at the penthouse, Chloe couldn't sleep at all. She was slowly watching how the hours passed by, twelve o'clock becoming one, then two and now it was three in the morning. She just couldn't get in a comfortable position, even if she was surrounded by fluffy pillows. Now it would have been the perfect time to hear her partner softly sing again. Turns out it was the only thing that could make her fall asleep in a record time.

Somehow she managed to fall asleep, but if she knew what she will dream about, she would've chose to not sleep at all.


It all started pretty nice. She, Trixie and Lucifer were sitting at the lower table in the penthouse's living room. The same Monopoly table was put in the middle and the Monopoly cash was between Trixie and Lucifer. Everything seemed oddly real, like an usual game night. But, when Chloe put her hands on her belly, it started hurting like it hurt in the very beginning of her pregnancy.

What was worse was that Lucifer and Trixie were completely ignoring her, like she wasn't ever there.

"Guys-", Chloe tried to say through the almost unbearable pain.

Nobody answered.

That made her pay attention to them and it didn't take long to realise that they were frozen.

"What is happening?", Chloe thought.

"If this is a nightmare made by you, Vera, please just wake me up", Chloe said.

"Mommy, you're bleeding", a voice suddenly said out of nowhere.

Realising that there was no-one with her, she immediately looked down, horrified about what she was seeing. Blood was constantly leaking on the floor and she couldn't do anything to stop it.

"No no no, please make it stop", Chloe begged while shaking.

Chloe heard the gentle voice of a girl again, "I'm sorry, just be careful".

"Careful o...of what?", Chloe asked.

"Of-", but the voice stopped.

Now, all that Chloe was hearing was a very familiar voice that was constantly telling her to wake up.

"Detective, come on", Lucifer kept saying until she finally opened her eyes.

When she came back to reality, Chloe felt like her heart was pounding out of her chest. She was sweaty and still shaking, but Lucifer immediately wrapped his arms around her and started caressing every little spot that was tense.

"Shh, my love, it was just a nightmare", Lucifer softly said.

After a few more minutes, Chloe started to calm down, realising that she was safe in Lucifer's arms.

"Thank you", she almost whispered.

"How bad was this time?", Lucifer asked after a while.

"Horrible. It was one of Vera's nightmares. I could tell because in the other dreams I never hear her voice, but now I did. But I also was in...a lot of pain, like I was having a miscarriage", she said still stressed, "ugh, it was like that bad night from the beginning, I didn't think that I will ever get to experience it again".

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