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Tuesday now came, which was a pretty important day considering the last night's events. The first one to wake up was Lucifer, who was still feeling amazingly proud of himself. He slowly started shaking Chloe, because he had to wake her up as she asked.

"Wakey wakey, my love", Lucifer said but saw that it had no effect on her, "Hmm, fine then".

With that, he started kissing her all over her face and neck which provoked a trickling sensation that made Chloe involuntarily smile as she was waking up.

"Look who decided to bless me with her presence", Lucifer said and smiled at her.

"Good morning to you too", Chloe said sleepy.

"Slept well?", Lucifer asked.

"Yeah, once I finally succeeded falling asleep", Chloe said, replaying once again in her head the last night.

"Exactly what I wanted to hear", Lucifer said, "let's get ready, we have plenty of tasks for this morning".

"If you haven't complained about it yesterday when you did all by yourself, you are not going to do it now. Let me take care of Trixie and her lunch pack", Chloe said and got up.

"Good point. Anyway, are you going to tell her that we decided the name?", Lucifer asked, trying to get to a point.

"I guess so, why are you asking?", Chloe said.

"I was thinking we should keep it a secret until she is born. You know, we are holding a lot of power right now, let's use it in our advantage", Lucifer said smirking.

"Hmm, I like the way you are thinking. I'm already imagining Ella freaking out when we will tell her this", Chloe said laughing, "but she is so involved in everything, I think we should give her a little credit".

"I agree, even though I still don't see the excitement in those parties. So, what do you suggest?", Lucifer asked.

"Let's make her Vera's godmother", Chloe said.

"Since we don't have anyone else on the list and Miss Lopez, besides that she is unusually involved with this baby, she also is a good friend. So, I agree, that and because I don't really see the whole big deal about being the godmother or godfather", Lucifer said.

"It's just a tradition and I am one hundred percent sure that Ella will be over the moon when we will tell her", Chloe said.

"Then let's not tell her at the precinct, as much as I like being in the center of attention, I don't want people to think that we are killing her or something", Lucifer said and made Chloe laugh.

"Right, good idea", Chloe said and then went to get ready.

With that, Lucifer prepared another breakfast and it was already starting to become his thing. They all did their daily routine and finished with leaving Trixie at school and going to the precinct to continue the investigation.

In a little lunch break they had, Ella immediately went to Chloe.

"Sooo, have you decided anything yet?", she asked.

"Yes, well, we would appreciate a lot if you will help us organise the baby shower", Chloe said and immediately Ella hugged her so tight that she almost lost her breath.

"Thank you thank you thank you", Ella said, trying not to speak too loud.

"But, as I said, I want to talk about it in other circumstances, so why don't you come over to my place this Saturday around eleven?", Chloe said.

"For real? That would be amazing, thank you again Decker!", she said and hugged Chloe again, "I will think about everything until then".

"Ella, I am the one who should thank you. You are an incredible friend to both Lucifer and me", Chloe said.

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