And now they all know

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The following day, Lucifer and Chloe planned to have lunch with Ella and Dan at her place while Trixie was hanging out with her friends.

While getting the food done, Lucifer and Chloe had a little time for themselves, processing all of this all over again.

"Well, Detective, I guess after today the little creature will be known by everybody", Lucifer said.

But he wasn't sure what he was feeling. Of course, he was happy that they didn't have to worry about hiding it from everybody. But this also meant that everything's as real as it gets, that someday a little baby will depend on him every second of its life. New worries would replace the old ones and once again, Lucifer was scared of what the future will bring.

The question that bothers every single person at least once in their life:"Will I ever be good enough?" was now spinning in Lucifer's head.

"Yeah", Chloe said thoughtful, "it still feels like yesterday when I found out. And now here we are, almost eight weeks later, preparing to let everyone know that in less than 8 months, a little baby will live here too. Our baby".

It still felt so surreal for Chloe. All of this. That after more than twelve years, she was carrying a baby again. And not with Dan, who was her husband back then, but with Lucifer, who is the actual Devil and turned her world upside down. Even so, she loved that man more than anyone she ever knew. And if before all of this, she thought how different the two of them were, now with a baby coming into their life, both of them got to see hidden sides of eachother. She got to see how, in fact, family was all that mattered for Lucifer. How amazing that man could be around the people he loved.
And honestly, she couldn't wait to share their love with this baby, even if it was unplanned.

"I know what you mean. Time flies really fast, it's sometimes    overwhelming. Detective, there are so many months left until the baby will be here, but in the same time, 7-8 months come and go with a blink of an eye", Lucifer said and hugged Chloe from behind, "but for now, let's just focus on today".

"Right. Let's hope I won't say another <<we>> when they still don't know. At least that I can do for Dan", Chloe said with a little giggle.

"For the record, I wouldn't mind. If he hurts you, I'll have another reason to get my revenge", Lucifer said.

"The good part is that Ella will probably spread all the joy in the universe", Chloe said.


And right then, the doorbell rang, signalling that someone already arrived.

"Looks like somebody's too bored at home", Lucifer said as he said to open the door. Of course, it was Ella.

"Luce!Hiiii", she said and instantly hugged him.

Still not used to Ella's hugs, Lucifer just made an awkward face and closed the door behind them while she went to hug Chloe too.

"Chlo!It's so good to see you. To be honest, it was a big surprise that you guys asked me to come over and lunch together. And Dan too. How did you manage to convince Lucifer?", Ella asked curiously.

"Well, he didn't have a choice", Chloe said, "we have news and we decided to tell you over lunch".

"Wait?Both of you?", Ella asked and looked at both of them suspiciously. Then she looked at Chloe's hands, but to her dissapointement, she didn't see any ring.

"Yes, Miss Lopez, so you better save your energy for when Detective Douche arrives", Lucifer said while he set up the table.

"Wait wait! Tell me now! Come on guys, please", Ella said while going from Lucifer to Chloe repeatedly. But all she saw were just exchange of looks between the two of them until Lucifer nodded.

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