The missing name and an exhausting day

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From Monday to Friday, days passed with the blink of an eye. This meant mostly for Lucifer that he's going to work his ass off these couple of days. But hopefully he isn't going to complain much, after all he wants Chloe to make as less effort as possible.

Saturday morning settled in and Lucifer was the first to wake up this time. He slowly removed his arm from Chloe's back and just stayed there and admired her. She really was the most beautiful and perfect human being he had ever seen. Little snores would come out of her mouth and the sound would make Lucifer quietly giggle. Before he got up, he kissed her forehead and then let her sleep a little longer so she will have more energy for this day.

After he got all dressed up, he bumped into Trixie who was eating some cereal with milk for breakfast.

"Lucifer!!Good morning", she happilly said.

"Good morning, small human. I see you can already handle making yourself something to eat", Lucifer said.

"It's just some cereal with milk, I don't have to be the greatest chef in history to pour some milk in a bowl", Trixie said and laughed, "I can put some for you too, if you want".

"No, thank you. I think I'll make some pancakes for your mom and I. I suppose you want some too?", Lucifer asked.

"I wish you told me before I started eating already! Ugh, maybe another time", she said and then went to clean her plate, "is mommy still asleep?".

"I don't know, when I came downstairs she was still sleeping. Go and check her if you want", Lucifer said and started measuring all the ingredients that were required.

And while he was preparing breakfast, Trixie slowly opened the door to her mother's bedroom and saw that she just woke up. Happily, she went and jumped in the bed just like she used to when she was little.

"Good morning, mommy", she said.

"Good morning, monkey. Do you happen to know where Lucifer is?", Chloe asked.

"Oh, he's downstairs, preparing breakfast for you", she said and smiled when she saw her mother smiling too.

"Great then. How are you?", Chloe asked.

"Fine...but I just wanted to know why can't I come with you today? I wanted to pick something for my little sister too", Trixie sadly asked.

"Well, today we are going to buy some essentials for her room, like a crib, changing table and other baby stuff. I'm sure it isn't the kind of shopping you're hoping for", Chloe said.

"Maybe you're right...but I hope you won't try to get rid of me when you'll buy clothes and toys! It's my favourite part", Trixie said with a grumpy face.

"We are not trying to get rid of you, monkey! We're saving you from a day that would've been very boring for you. I promise you'll take part when we'll buy the clothes and toys, I'm sure you know the best out of all three of us", Chloe said.

"Yay, thank you!", Trixie said and hugged her, "and maybe I'll give her some of my toys too. I'm starting to feel like I don't need them anymore".

And hearing that, Chloe was so grateful and sad in the same time. Trixie was growing so fast, in no time she'll become a teenager and will eventually distance herself and create her own life adventures. But for now, Chloe was happy that the girl she raised became so amazing, she couldn't wait to start over with another baby girl.

"That sounds great", she said after a while and held Trixie close to her, "oh look, she's kicking".

And when Trixie put her hand on Chloe's belly to feel it, she couldn't stop smiling, "actually, have you decided her name yet?".

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