I really love her, Detective

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It was not until 10 a.m. when Chloe opened her eyes. And, for the first time in she didn't even know how long, Lucifer wasn't there, next to her. No good morning kisses, no random deep conversations and no kicks-sharing. She shouldn't be this dramatic, but since yesterday she felt like something was wrong with him. It drove her crazy not being able to help him with whatever happened that was able to ruin his mood.

Without any hesitation, she got up and took some clothes from her wardrobe and went to the bathroom to dress up. She spent less time than usual, even if it was harder to do basic things.

When she went downstairs, she caught Lucifer and Trixie staying together on the couch and talking while the TV was on the background, not too loud.

Chloe stopped at the end of the stairs, making sure that she didn't make any noise so that she could try to hear their conversation, even if she felt a little bit bad about it.

"The entire world?!", Trixie excitedly exclaimed.

"The entire world, offspring. So, where would you go?", Lucifer asked.

"Disneyland Paris, duh! I don't know why, because mommy and daddy already took me to the one here in California, but yeah, Disneyland Paris is my dream destination", Trixie said.

"I am not sure what your mother will think about a pair of mices, ducks snd princesses, but let's just say that I can be more relaxed when your birthday will come", Lucifer said.

"FOR REAL?", Trixie said.

"Easy offspring, you're going to wake your mother. But yes, for real", Lucifer said.

"Thank you!", she said and quickly hugged him so that he won't have time to back away.

"No need to thank me. I am sure you deserve it after surviving with that Hell named school", Lucifer said.

"Still...thank you", Trixie said.

While listening to them, Chloe just smiled, ocasionally rolled her eyes, but she loved how well Trixie's and Lucifer's relationship evolved. She couldn't be more happier and grateful that her daughter adjusted and even enjoyed these major changes in her life.

She decided to make her presence known, seeing that their conversation was mostly over, "Good morning".

Trixie immediately looked in her direction, "Mommy! Good morning", and went to hug her the best she could.

"Ah, Detective! Good morning", Lucifer said, but remained on the couch.

"Monkey, everything packed for today?", Chloe asked.

"Not yet, I can go and prepare", Trixie said and Chloe nodded, leaving the her and Lucifer alone.

She went to catch his attention, sitting on his lap with her arms around his neck.

"Oh, hello again, Detective", Lucifer said and smirked.

"Hey...", she said and kissed him, a thing that she wanted to do from the moment she woke up, "when did you wake up?".

"Around eight, even if it's strange for me to wake up that early. I would have stayed longer beside you, but I thought that your offspring might be hungry and I don't want her to eat cereals with milk every morning", Lucifer said.

She smiled maybe more relieved, knowing that Lucifer wanted to keep her daughter some company.

"That's very sweet of you. And I can't believe you promised Disneyland Paris to her!", she said.

He snorted, "Of course I did! It's what she desires, but I am afraid it won't be available for the winter break. Her birthday should be just fine".

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