Dad, let's make a deal

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It was a pain that Chloe never felt before. Her whole body was burning and she felt like she couldn't breathe from the pain.

"Lucifer...Lucifer wake up", she said poking him repeatedly.

"What is it Detective", he said sleepy, "it's 3 in the morning".

Not being able to keep it in her anymore, Chloe let out a terrifying scream and started crying which made Lucifer wake up for good.

"Something's wrong with me. Please help me, I feel like...", she took a breath for a moment, "like Hell's fire are in me...I...I don't know how to describe better", Chloe said scared.

At that moment, Lucifer froze. He didn't know what to do, seeing Chloe in so much pain made him feel so little, so emotionally numb. Like he said, this never happened before.

As he came closer , her skin was really boiling. For a human, Chloe was untouchable. He didn't have much choice, if they went to the hospital, what were they gonna say to the doctors?That their celestial baby was putting its mother through literally Hell?

"Chloe I'm so sorry but...I don't really know what to do", he said with pain in his voice as he put one hand behind her back to slowly raise her and one on her abdomen. He was so damn afraid of losing the love of his life that for the first time ever, Lucifer was speechless and terrified.

He held Chloe on to his bare chest hoping that her body would eventually cool down.

"Lucifer, what if I'm losing the baby?", Chloe said through her tears, "I don't want to lose the baby", even her voice was cracking down.

Incredible, even through this amount of pain, Chloe was still thinking about the baby and not her. What did a person so amazing and selfless as her deserve this? Lucifer thought.

"Detective you won't lose the baby, I assure you". Now even Lucifer felt tears forming in his eyes and it was the most unpleasing feeling ever.

As he held her tight, Lucifer used his only choice: talking to his Father.

"Dad, I know you're up there somewhere and I know You and I didn't get along very well. But please, don't punish Chloe for my mistakes. Don't take her or the little one away from me. If you want to put someone through pain, put me, not my loved ones!", he thought and then kissed Chloe on her head, "I love them, Dad. Yes, I love them and it took me long enough to realise that. So, to prove that to You, let's make a deal. I promise that I'll do anything You want me to, go where You want me to go and do good on Earth. In exchange, I want you to leave Chloe alone, because she's the last person that deserves this. Please Father, this is your grandchild and the love of my life we're talking about!".

As he finished his prayer to God, Chloe let out a relief sound as she felt more relaxed on Lucifer's chest.

"Detective, how are you feeling?", Lucifer said hopeful.

Rubbing her stomach and thankful that she didn't have a miscarriage, Chloe finally could say that she was fine.

"Oh Lucifer, thank you. God knows what you did, but thank you for making it stop", Chloe said smiling as her body returned to a normal temperature.

"Well Detective this time you're right, only God knows what I did, but I'm grateful that you're okay", he said while leaving small kisses on her face, "I'm so sorry that you had to go through this my love, but I assure you that this should never happen again from now on. I promised to protect you and the little creature and that's what I did and will do for the rest of my life if it's necessary".

"It's okay Lucifer, I took this risk when I said that I was keeping the baby. Knowing that I have you by my side it's all that matters. I love you".

"God knows I love you too, Chloe" and with that they kissed again.

Both of them were too tired in that moment, so they just fell asleep in each other's arms.


Lucifer woke up next to Chloe, who was sleeping peacefully like nothing ever happened.
He got out of bed carefully and went to take a relaxing bath. After that, he dressed up and waited for Chloe to wake up, not making the same mistake of preparing food that might make her feel sick.

Having a little time for himself, Lucifer leaned over the balcony and looked at the sky, thinking about his Father. He made a deal last night and he had to accomplish his part. The thing was that nobody actually knows what God wants, so Lucifer doesn't really know where or what he had to do from now on. But he knew He was watching him, so as long as he was doing good deeds, Father shouldn't break his part of the deal.

Soon, Chloe opened her eyes to an empty bed and started feeling pretty exhausted, even though she just woke up. Remembering all the things that happened that night made her feel a lot of tangled emotions: thankfulness, relieve, emotive, worrieness, fear and tiredness. She didn't know what she had done if she actually lost the baby. She let that thought lose itself among the others as she got up and took the most relaxing bubble bath ever.

After that, she felt her body less tense and she didn't feel the regular morning sickness, which made Chloe worry for a little bit, but it was too early for a doctor's appointment.

Putting her hand on her still flat abdomen, Chloe talked to the baby for the first time.

"Hi there little one", she smiled, "you gave me a really hard time last night. But it's okay, mommy can take it. I hope that you're fine in there, I'm doing my best for you. I won't ever give up on you, so please don't give up on me. Me and your daddy love you so much, we can't wait to first see you in a few weeks".

Filling her heart with love, Chloe was truly happy in that moment. Talking to her baby, even if it was a little cell, made her forget all the worries she had until that moment.

Dressing up, she entered the living room and saw Lucifer at the balcony. She went and hugged him from behind, at which Lucifer came back from his thoughts, turned around and kissed her on her forehead.

"Good morning dear. How are you feeling?"

"Good morning", she smiled, "I'm pretty well actually, considering what happened last night.I try to forget how unpleasant the burning sensation was, but I'm fine now"

"Of course, because you're so brave my love. But you scared the Hell out of me, and the Devil saying that, it's something".

"I'm sorry", Chloe said giggling.

"Detective, only you know how you find this thing funny", Lucifer said happily because Chloe was happy too.

"I just...don't want to worry too much now. I've worried enough and look what happened. Let's just...relax for a few days", Chloe said before kissing him.

"How about the two of us enjoy ourselves a little more tonight", Lucifer said with a wily smile.

"That sounds perfect".

"So, Detective, what do you desire to eat this morning?"

The first thing that came into Chloe's mind were actually chocolate donuts. Now that she thought more about it, it's the only thing that she craved for the entire day.

"A lot of chocolate, a lot", she said while imagining it.

"Then let's get you some on our way to work, Detective", he said smiling.

*Time flew by fast, on this day, already 5 weeks had passed since their first night together, also known as the "magical" night. Soon, it would be time for the first ultrasound. *

*Hi fellow readers:) Thank you for reading and voting for my story. If you have any suggestions please don't hesitate to tell me. Love you❤*

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