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With the 21th week starting that Monday, Lucifer begined to wake up earlier than usual. But before getting out of bed, he looked at Chloe, who was peacefully sleeping next to him. She looked like a pure angel, with her face relaxed like nothing in this world could possibly worry her. He gently kissed her forehead before he left the room and got dressed.

Then, he entered the baby's room, that right now only had creamy-colored walls and a big box in the middle. A little wave of overwhelmed feelings hit him before he got the chance to start unpacking. A part of him didn't want this room to be ready, because he wasn't ready himself. He thought that, if the room wouldn't be done this soon, then he could have some extra time to feel prepared. But, truth be told, he didn't know if he was ever going to feel ready. Deep down, he knew that not getting the room done wouldn't buy him any extra time. Since that day, in less than four months, his daughter will be right there, in the room where he was now standing alone.

Therefore, he might aswell start assembling her bed and have it done before him and Chloe had to go to work. He took some tools from downstairs like a set of screwdrivers and a hammer and then he locked himself in the nursery.

He wanted Chloe to see the room when it was done, a reason being that she wouldn't ask to help him in the process, but the other one was that he wanted to feel like he did something good for his daughter.

So, Lucifer started unpacking the box, revealing a lot of different pieces of the crib and a pretty thick instructions manual. He picked it up horrified.

"Bloody Hell this is going to take an eternity", Lucifer thought while swiping the pages.

But somehow, he managed not to freak out too much and started following the instructions step by step and soon realised that it wasn't as complicated as he thought it would be. He was proud of himself because, even if it was the first time he was assembling anything, he wasn't destroying the crib and slowly it started to look like one.

One hour later, it was more than half done, but Lucifer was disrupted by an alarming voice that was yelling his name throughout the house. He came out of the room and locked it behind him, then he went in the living room, where he heard Chloe.

"I'm here, my love", Lucifer said and hugged her so that she would calm down.

And she just hugged him tight, like she didn't want him to let her go.

"Sorry, I'm just silly, I shouldn't have started to freak out before checking the whole house", Chloe said.

"It's okay. Whatever you thought, I'm right here", Lucifer said and caressed the back of her head.

"I know, I'm sorry. I just had a bad dream", Chloe said.

"Was it the little creature?", Lucifer asked a little scared.

"No, fortunately it was just a regular nightmare", Chloe said.

"At least there anything I can do to make you feel better?", Lucifer asked.

"No, I'm okay. Out of curiosity, where were you?", Chloe asked.

"Well in the nursery, of course. I woke up earlier and started assembling the crib, now that the paint dried", Lucifer proudly said.

"Really?", Chloe said surprised and smiled, "that's so sweet. Can I help you with anything?".

"No, my love, just stay here and relax. Knock on the door when it's time to go to work", Lucifer said.

"Wait, knock on the door?", Chloe asked confused.

"Well, I don't want you to see the room before it's done. Think of it as my workshop. I'm actually good at it, who would have thought?", Lucifer said.

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