And now two more know

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On Saturday morning, Lucifer and Chloe agreed to meet Maze and Amenadiel at Linda's place. That way, Trixie will get to spend some time with Charlie, which now is already a toddler, and they would catch up with  everything in peace.

"Monkey, go and change. We're leaving in 10 minutes", Chloe said loud.

"Okay, mommy", Trixie said from her room.

"Don't worry too much, my love. This day is all about my family probably making fun of me", Lucifer said while getting ready.

"Why would they make fun of you?I'm sure they'll just be a little worried and that's only because they care about you", Chloe reassured him.

"We'll see about that".

After a short time, they all got in the car, Chloe driving as always. She liked being in control of things, it was her way to feel powerful, that's why she never lets Lucifer drive. Plus, she wanted to drive as much as she could before she gets too big.

Not after a long time, they arrived at Linda's house, which already smelled like home-made food. Very thoughtful, Linda asked Chloe this morning what she wanted to eat for lunch, so there won't be any "accidents".

Immediately after Chloe parked the car, Trixie exited and ran to knock at the door.

"Ugh, why does she always has to be so energic?", Lucifer said a little bothered.

"That's how kids are, Lucifer. When they're little they're the most energic beings you'll ever see", Chloe said while smiling, "as they grow up, they start to become, well, like us. Adulthood isn't easy. That's one of the reasons of bringing a baby into your life. You want to feel that energy and joy again. You want to let yourself be childish without having people making false assumptions about you".

Lucifer really was speechless. The way Chloe talked about kids in general made his heart beat even harder for her. Now he saw another part of her, one that wished to act at least a little childish, but her responsabilities didn't let her.

The only thing that Lucifer said was "Understood", before they were greeted by Linda.

"Hi everyone, come in", she said happily and let them in. Of course, Linda knew already, but she managed to keep it a secret until now and she was very excited for everyone to finally know about their baby.

"Hi Linda, hi Amenadiel", Trixie said excited, "Maaazeee", she ran and hugged her, "I missed you".

"I missed you too, little human", she said. Maze was always busy with the bounty hunting, she didn't get to see Trixie very often as she used to.

While Trixie catched up with Maze, Amenadiel went to talk with Lucifer while Chloe and Linda were whispering to eachother about yesterday.

"Hello, Luci",  Amenadiel said, "how've you been lately?"

"Amenadiel, hi", Lucifer said", well you can't even imagine. But I'm good. Actually, I'm happy", Lucifer said smiling while looking at Chloe.

"It's good to hear that brother", Amenadiel said.

"Anyway, how's little Charlie?", Lucifer asked.

Amenadiel was confused and surprised to hear that. Lucifer is never interested in kids, especially babies or toddlers , but he didn't get suspicious. "He's well, growing fast, but still no wings", he said a little dissapointed, "but he has all of his life ahead of him, so I won't worry about his angel side yet".

"I'm sure he has an angel side brother, don't worry", Lucifer said and then went to Chloe and Linda.

"Lucifer! I'm grateful that your baby's healthy.Chloe told me everything about yesterday. And I'm proud of you", she said quietly.

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