It's an...offspring?

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As Lucifer was waiting for Chloe to arrive, he needed to clear his mind. He went to play the piano, a very special song that had his heart.

I got my eyes on you
You're everything that I see
I want your hot love and emotion endlessly

You're the girl
You're the one
Gave you every
Thing I loved
I think there's something

He suddenly stopped when he felt Chloe behind him.

"Detective, I'm sorry, I didn't hear you arriving", he turned around to see her tired, serious face.He immediately got up and kissed her so she would relax a little.

She actually forgot about all her worries as she was listening to Lucifer's angelic voice. When he stopped, all the thoughts came back in her mind like a tornado.That kiss actually made things harder for her.

"It's okay", she said while running her fingers through his hair, "hey you'd never leave me, right?"

"Of course Detective. That's a promise I made a long time ago and I would never break it", he said trying to understand where this conversation was going to.
He was looking right in her beautiful blue eyes thinking how amazing she is, but still he knew that something was off.
"Chloe...did something happen?Did someone hurt you?Or Beatrice?If so I swear to Dad..."

"Lucifer nobody hurt me, don't worry", she stopped him. " As I said on the phone, I have something to tell you, but first you better sit down"

"Detective you're freaking me out right now. What could you possibly tell me..."

"I'm pregnant"

Chloe couldn't take it anymore. As much as she didn't want to tell Lucifer about the baby like this, she didn't want to keep this in her anymore.

Looking at Lucifer's face she knew he was freaking out on the inside. On the outside he looked emotionless, impossible to analyze.

"Lucifer please say something. Please, I love you" , Chloe said as she felt nervous tears coming from her eyes.

After a long time when Lucifer couldn't even face Chloe, he managed to line his thoughts. Even if this is crazy, Chloe didn't ask for this, it's his fault so he wouldn't ever consider leaving her especially in this situation.

"Det...Chloe, first, I love you too, so much that I couldn't ever leave you.", said Lucifer with an assuring smile that made Chloe smile too.
"But me having an offspring?How on Earth will that work?I'm no father material.Bloody Hell I'm far from that and you know that Detective. I'm the Devil, I don't know how to raise one of this little creatures, I'd only hurt it and I'd never forgive myself for that"

Luckily, even the Devil needed to take a breath.All those emotions that he was feeling were too overwhelming. Poor Linda will certainly see Lucifer soon. He was feeling bad for putting Chloe in this situation. She didn't deserve to be hurt, especially by her partner. But the idea of him with his own child was absurd, in his mind it would never work out.

Chloe was furious right now. She knew Lucifer was just looking for excuses to get away from this, but he said that he would never leave her.

"Lucifer I didn't ask for this either but I still choose to keep this baby. You will make a great father, Trixie already loves you and it doesn't matter how many times you tell me otherwise I know that you do care about her too.You're already taking the role of her stepdad even if you see it or not. Plus, you went to Hell twice for me, that proves that you'd do anything for the people you love. I need you...I don't know anything about raising a half human half angel baby. We'll help eachother, because we're a team, remember?" and with that she took his hands into her's.

With that Lucifer couldn't help but pull her into a passionate kiss...Hell, he loved her so much, he felt the luckiest man on the universe. His fears were slowly soften by Chloe's speech about him. Yeah he was still worried of course, but he'll deal with those fears later. Right now he needed to be there for Chloe, the love of his life.

"Yes indeed my love, we're a team and we'll always be. I'll be there for you at any time and I'll do anything to make this journey easier for you from now on" and right then Chloe hugged him tight.

"Thank you Lucifer. I know how hard it is for you and I really appreciate your support. I want you to know that you can talk to me anytime about how you're feeling , I don't want you to feel alone."

"Yes...thank you. Well it's pretty late, you can spend the night here if you want" he said avoiding the conversation about his feelings.

"It's okay, I need to get home to Trixie, but I'll see you tomorrow. Goodnight Lucifer"

"Goodnight Detective" and with a last kiss, she left the penthouse.

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