Fifty Seven

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Jade's POV

My eyes fluttered open when I felt soft lips, lightly and repeatedly kissing my shoulder. As soon as mine were all the way open, I was met with bright blue ones, shining like the light through the dark.

I don't think I would ever get used to them. Not that I ever wanted to. My heart smiled. Those eyes for the rest of my life.

A sigh of content escaped my lips before I even felt it coming as she placed her hand on my back and slowly slid it down, pushing the sheet I was under with it until it reached my lower back.

I was on my stomach, so my back was facing up. I winced in pain a few times as her hand glided down my skin like butter on a hot plate. After we had a brief intermission for drinks, last night got a little wild. The scratches across my back made themselves known and they stung.

"Good morning, baby. It's time for us to get out of here. But first, I need to do this." She whispered as she pulled the covers off her own naked body and climbed over to sit on the backs of my legs.

With both hands, she slowly rubbed from the curve at the small of my back, all the way to my neck, making me shiver and all of my hairs stand up at her soft but somehow burning touch.

She traced over where I'm assuming the worst of the scratches were with her fingers. It burned, but felt amazing at the same time. There was so much love in her gentle touch. I moaned into my pillow.

"I'm sorry for these, baby." She whispered as she still lightly touched them. It almost tickled.

"Mmmm, that's okay, baby. They let me know you had a good time." I smiled and closed my eyes again, loving the feel of her hands on me first thing in the morning.

She didn't say anything else, I just felt her push my hair to one side, exposing my neck, and putting her lips there right away. Another sigh fell out. She kissed slowly and softly from the base of my hairline all the way down. It was when she reached my upper back that I realized she was kissing my tattoo. I loved it when she did that.

She made it all the way down my spine and to the sheet that she left covering my lower body. I felt her weight off my legs as she continued to pull the sheet down, and continued to kiss my body. Every part. Down to my ankles and then back up. All the way up to my neck again, causing another shiver. I sighed in content, face still in the pillow, as she climbed off me.

"You are making it hard for me to want to get up." I mumbled.

I heard her laugh next to me, and it made my heart tighten. One of the sweetest sounds. "Sorry beautiful. We need to be out in 20 minutes."

"20 minutes? Baby, why didn't you wake me up sooner?" I asked, finally sitting up. Her kisses were the best alarm clock in the world. She winced too as she sat up next to me and kissed my shoulder. "You okay?"

"I'm fine. My legs were just bent in directions they don't usually go. All last night." She laughed and I blushed. "I didn't wanna wake you because you looked so comfy, and I figured you needed the rest after last night. I sure as hell did."

When I looked over at her, I gasped. "I'm gonna be resting for life if Debs sees you. She'll never let me live it down."

She frowned, clearly not knowing what I was talking about. I gestured to her neck, chest and stomach that were all spotted with bite marks and small and large bruises and hickies.

"I could say the same to you." She looked down and smiled.

I looked down at my own body and sure enough, the bruises on mine were much worse than hers, and even went down to my thighs.

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