Eighty Two

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Jade's POV

We spent the entire week at home, just me and her. We both missed Jaden like crazy, but after that day, we needed this.

Leigh's been an angel for keeping him and taking him to school with the kids, and he's been having the time of his life. He actually begged us to let him stay until Sunday, so we did.

We would still stop by every other day to play with him and the kids and chill with Leigh, but we went straight home after. Debbie and Jesy have also either called or been by every day to check on her, and she's never left my sight. I've only just started to ease up and give her room to move around the apartment without me hanging from her leg.

Also, it took her a few days, but she was finally able to get back in the car. Although she still squeezes my hand to death the entire time and sometimes I would look over and see her squeezing her eyes shut too. It hurts, but I don't say anything, I just squeeze back to let her know I'm here.

She told me she trusted me, but not herself behind the wheel anymore. That kind of heart my heart to know, but I'm praying she'll heal from that soon.

The first time she got in the car with me, she shook and cried the whole time, and it hurt me to see and not be able to hold her properly. But she's gotten much better. Things are feeling normal. She's not quiet withdrawn or jumpy like I thought she would be.

She's her normal, silly, playful, loving self. That's a strong woman. Not only physically, having walked away from that almost as if it never happened. But mentally too. I'd probably be in a ball in the corner.

We'd been sleeping in a bit later too, since we didn't have to get Jaden ready, and it's felt amazing honestly. To be able to just roll over and kiss her awake every morning has been wonderful.

It was now Friday morning. I rolled over as I had every morning to hug and kiss her until she got sick of me, which she never did. For a brief second, out of habit and just plain overprotectiveness, I panicked because she wasn't there.

I smiled widely when I smelled food though, and my stomach growled. I threw the covers off and got out of bed, almost making it to the door before realizing I was still naked from our earlier activities. Although, I'm sure she wouldn't mind it, I was instantly cold. I put on a large sweater and a pair of leggings, and left the room.

The closer I got to the kitchen, the louder my stomach got. I walked in to find her standing at the stove, barefoot with her hair in a high bun, and by the looks of it, nothing but a lilac silk robe.

That is one sexy woman.

"J'adore! I was just finishing your breakfast!" She said excitedly, turning to look at me.

"It smells so good. Thank you, my love." I smiled, going to get water out of the fridge. When I closed the door and turned around, she was staring me down. "What?" I asked, walking toward her.

"Why are you so... dressed?" She raised her brow and I laughed.

"I'm cold." I shrugged. "And by the looks of it, so are you." I winked and she followed my eyes, quickly putting her arms over her chest and blushing.

"I'm not cold. I'm just really happy to see you. Again." She smiled.

"Honestly, your sex drive belongs in the Guinness Book of World Records." I laughed and leaned against the counter next to the stove.

"Is that your way of saying you're tired, baby? Can someone not keep up?" She asked and I scoffed.

"Please. You're cute, but need I remind you who made you this way? I could lap you twice, baby." I opened my water and took a sip.

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