One Hundred

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Jade's POV

"She told me she didn't want to do anything big this year. She made me promise." I spoke quietly into the phone so I didn't wake Perrie, who was lightly snoring behind me.

"And since when do you listen to her?" Jesy quizzed.

I laughed. "I always listen to her."

"That's a lie and we all know it." Leigh blurted. I should've known they would be together. They were always together now.

"Well hello there, sunshine." I laughed.

I heard Perrie mumbling something behind me in between her little snores.

"Who is she talking to?" Jesy asked, referring to Perrie's sleep talking.

"No one. She's asleep." I replied. "Tomorrow, brunch. That's all of her you get. She's mine."

Just as I finished my sentence, Perrie hooked an arm around my waist and pulled me closer to her, nuzzling her face in the back of my neck. I thought I woke her up, but to my surprise she was still asleep.

"What?! That's selfish!" Leigh said.

"She's moving around, I gotta go. I'll call you tomorrow." I whispered, still not wanting to wake her.

I ended the call and giggled as she mumbled again into my neck, tickling me. I laid there in her arms, listening to her incoherent mumbles, and the little whistle in her nose, unable to sleep because I was excited for tomorrow. It's her birthday. The second one of the rest of our lives that I get to spend with her. I think I was more excited than her, honestly.

I know she wanted it to be chill this year, since there wasn't much she could do anyway, being 5 months pregnant. I reluctantly agreed, but was still determined to give her one of the best birthdays she's ever had. In a chill manner, of course.

I laid there thinking, until I saw the sun. I may have dozed off a couple of times, but not a lot of sleeping happened. I needed to get this day started. It took me forever to inch out of her arms without waking her up, but I managed.

I lifted her arm, slipped my pillow in my place and jogged downstairs for a quick shower. I had gifts and flowers to pick up. And balloons. All of the balloons.

When I finished my shower, I crept upstairs, glad to see that she was still in the same position, sleeping peacefully. I went into the closet to slip on a pair of sweatpants, but were there any on my shelf? No. Why? Because she literally took them all.

I shook my head. I really didn't feel like being restricted by jeans at the moment, so I slipped into an old pair of basketball shorts and a t shirt. When I got my Nikes on, I stopped in the doorway, refusing to leave without saying it. She's got me conditioned to not step foot out of the door without telling her I love her. At this point, I was afraid I'd burst into flames or something if I ever forgot.

"Happy birthday, baby. I love you." I whispered, blowing her a kiss.

I got out of the house and ran around town like a madwoman. I ordered 22 pink and purple balloons to be delivered to our house, and I had to get back there to accept them before they woke her up.

I ran from the mall to the jewelry store to the grocery store and all over town. The good thing was, I had all of this stuff ordered already and I only had to pick everything up. And then I had to get Jaden because I wanted him to be there when she woke up too. I knew she would love that.

When we pulled up to the driveway, the balloons were just being delivered, and Jaden was ecstatic. I picked him up and jogged up and stopped them from ringing the bell, tipped them and walked them through the garage. I had to make like ten thousand trips to get everything inside. Jaden was trying to help. Trying, bless his heart, my baby is clumsy just like his mommy so most things just ended up on the floor.

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