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Perrie's POV

"I'm bored, let's play hide and seek." Jade sat up from her spot on the couch and looked straight at me.

It was nighttime and we were watching a movie. I had gone home to get some clothes and pajamas and let my mom know I was okay, and had been back at Jade's apartment for some time now.

To my surprise, Jimmy still wasn't home and hadn't been since that night he left, according to my mother.

I shoveled a handful of chips in my mouth and gawked at Jade.

"Let's do what?" I asked for clarification.

"Hide and seek. You hide, I'll count." She repeated.

I was still surprised and taken aback by her childlike behavior, but I loved that about her. So random and such a big kid at heart.

I didn't respond so she continued. "You're still sitting here. I'm counting. 1...2...3"

Still, I hadn't moved from my seat next to her on the sofa because I couldnt tell if she was joking or not. She looked at me and said the next number dramatically.


I now knew she was dead serious and jumped up from my spot, making her laugh. I panicked looking for a place to hide because I knew nothing about her apartment. She had the advantage.

I opted for her bedroom, well, because it's really the only place I was vaguely familiar with. I hurried and slid underneath her bed.

"10! Ready or not, ocean eyes, here I come!" I heard her shout.

I heard heavy footsteps walking through the hall. The closer she got to me the more nervous I got. I'm pretty sure my hiding spot wasn't all that creative, but I had already wasted four whole seconds trying to figure out if this was really happening or not.

The footsteps got lighter and lighter until I couldn't hear them anymore and I exhaled. Maybe she really had no idea where I was and was looking around the kitchen somewhere.

I even started to chuckle to my self because how could she miss me. My thoughts were quickly interrupted when I felt hands wrap around my ankles. The next thing I knew I was being snatched from under the bed like that scene in the movie Taken.


"Gotcha!" She yelled, jumping on top of me and tickling my sides. Again with the tickling.

"Ahhhh!" I screamed trying to squirm my way out of her reach, but she was not letting me up.

She straddled me and pinned me underneath her.

"Jade, please!" I pleaded with her through a fit of giggles.

She was laughing as well as she pinned both of my arms over my head. "This is my new favorite thing to see. Please what, Perrie?"

I could've sworn I saw her eyes get darker as she stared from my eyes to my lips to my neck and then back to my eyes. But then she started to tickle me again, making me squirm.

"You win! You win! Please let me up!" I cried.

She rolled off me in a fit of laughter and I couldn't help but laugh as well. She stretched out beside me on her bedroom floor, both of us facing the ceiling and we laughed together.

First, at her tickling me and then I laughed at her laughing which only made her laugh more until we were a laughing mess. My sides hurt and my face was full of tears and so was hers.

After the couple of minutes it took to gather ourselves, she jumped to her feet.

"Your turn to find me." As soon as she said it she darted out of the room.

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