Thirty Three

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Perrie's POV

My eyes opened and I found myself face down on a cold hard concrete floor that smelled of chemicals, and what I assumed to be something dead. It was horrific.

I looked around and the room was completely empty, other than a red metal chair that was chained to the floor in the corner, positioned over a drain. I didn't even want to imagine what that was for.

The walls were concrete too, and what looked like rubble was scattered over the floor. I also noticed a sheet of plastic hanging from the ceiling behind the chair.


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Fuck. Where am I? What's happening? And why does my head feel like it's being closed between two walls?

I didn't realize until I opened my mouth to scream that it was taped shut.

Oh no. Oh no.

I immediately began to panic as I tried to recall the events that lead me here. All I could remember was breakfast with Jesy and going to get in my car. Anything after that was a complete blur. I couldn't even remember if I made it inside my car or not.

My heart quickly began to race, pounding against my chest so hard that I was almost sure it could be heard outside of my body. My breathing had become shallow. Short and quick, almost as if I couldn't swallow enough air quick enough, and I could feel the sweat starting to bead on my forehead.

I scanned the room again with wide eyes, looking for a window or a door, and trying to calm myself so I could think straight, but it wasn't working.

Deep breaths, Perrie. Stay calm. Breathe. 1..2..3..4...

I counted all the way to 16 before I think I finally got my breathing under a little bit of control. I tried to get up off the floor and immediately cried out in pain, but bit down on my lip because I didn't want anyone to hear me.

Whoever it was that brought me here. My eyes pricked with tears as I looked down and realized my hands and feet were tied with barbed wire, and the arm that was once broken was completely twisting in the wrong direction.

What the fuck is going on?

The metal punctured my skin with every little move I made so I tried my best to be still, but I had to get out of here. Despite the immense pain caused by the barbed wire, I slithered as best I could in the room looking for some kind of exit.

There were no windows. Convenient. I could see one small light hanging from the ceiling by wires, flickering. And the chair over the drain freaked me the fuck out.

What is this room for? What are they going to do to me?

I began to hyperventilate, gasping for air and crying in pain at the same time. I managed to squirm to the middle of the room. The pain was so much, I could feel my wrists and ankles bleeding, my lips felt like they were splitting in half under the duct tape, and I was suddenly feeling lightheaded.

I could see what looked like two shadows in the next room and could hear deep manly voices, but I couldn't make them out or what they were saying. I saw black sneakers facing each other, but my heart stopped when I noticed one pair turn to face my direction.

He must've saw that I wasn't where he left me and rushed over to me. I couldn't see his face because it was dark and he was wearing a dark hoodie, but he quickly snatched me up by shoulder, causing the wires to rip further into my skin.

I tried to scream but it was no use with the tape on my mouth. Tears spilled as I wondered if this was how I was going to die. If I would never see the people I loved again. If I would never see Jade again.

I was so worked up that I couldn't catch my breath. I was gasping and crying harder and harder. I tried begging for my life, hoping he could understand the muffled sound, but I think it just made him angry.

I saw him reach into his pocket and then suddenly I felt cold metal pressed against my temple. My suspicions were confirmed when I heard the click. He had a gun on me.

"Make another sound!" He said and I could tell it was through gritted teeth.

I immediately tightened up as fear coursed through my body. I whimpered silently, tears spilling like water. I began to hyperventilate again. I saw him draw his arm behind his head and then felt the excruciating pain of his gun coming into contact with my head. My vision began to blur and then all I remember seeing was darkness.

A/N: Hello you gorgey huns! I hope you all are enjoying the story and the twisted turn of events (insert evil laugh here). Inspiration hit and I'm just gonna run with it lol. Who do you think has kidnapped our little Pezza? Do you think she'll survive? 😳❤️

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