Forty Three

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Perrie's POV

When I heard the keys jingling in the door, I turned my attention back to the tv. I didn't want her to see that I had been crying.

"I'm ba—" She started to say.

Too late.

She froze when she stepped in and looked at me, and instantly I knew that she knew. Damn her for being able to read me.

I continued to stare at the tv.

"We've got about an hour or so before we need to leave." I said, tears fighting their way out and voice barely above a whisper.

She closed the door and dropped down on her knees in front of me, obstructing my view of the tv. I knew I couldn't look at her because there was no doubt I'd get lost in her beauty and my walls would come crashing down, so I closed my eyes.

"Please stop crying. I hate seeing you cry. I don't ever want to be the reason you're crying." She whispered.

I don't know why but I flinched when I felt her hand touch my face, and she drew it back immediately. I opened my eyes in time to see the hurt on her face.

I didn't mean that, but what I couldn't understand was why she was the one acting hurt?

"I'm sorry." I said, I really didn't mean to react to her like that. I would never do that.

She was silent for a moment, as if she were gathering her words.

"Talk to me, baby. Why don't you trust me? What have I done to lose your trust?" She whispered, her voice cracking in the end.

I stayed silent, afraid I burst into tears.

"Please?" She begged for a response.

"You keep lying to me, and I don't know why." I replied.

She didn't say anything.

"See!" I continued. "You don't even have anything to say! But you were awfully chatty with that woman on the phone!"

She sighed. "Do you.. do you think I'm cheating on you? How could you ever think that I would do that to you?"

"I don't know, Jade, maybe because you're sneaking around, always on your phone and computer, lying to me, and talking to another woman about how important she is to you." I shouted.

"Don't twist my words, I never said that! You're the only woman who's important to me! You know that, why are you questioning it now?" She yelled back, instantly.

You're making me question it.

"Let me ask you straight up then, Jade." I sat up to look her right in her eyes. The eyes that would never lie to me, no matter what her mouth said. "Are you cheating on me?"

"No." She replied, not missing a beat. "I would never do that to us."

I searched her eyes for a contradiction, but her unwavering gaze gave me nothing of the sort. I sighed, not sure what I believed anymore.

"Why are you sneaking around then?" I asked, my voice and face softening.

She grabbed my hand and this time I didn't flinch. She brought it to her lips and placed a kiss on my knuckles.

"I need you to trust me when I tell you, it's nothing like what you're thinking. I have never nor will I ever cheat on you or even dream of doing anything like it. I thought you knew this. I need you to know this. You're my heart. My world. How many times do I have to tell you, you're it for me, Perrie. I would never hurt you." The tears that ran from her beautiful brown eyes melted my heart, and I couldn't find a lie in them.

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