The Truth(Draco Malfoy)

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You stomped down the corridor to your boyfriends dorm room. You were furious. Draco has been ignoring you for a whole week now. Not sitting with you at lunch, not answering your owls, not even looking at you, and you were done with it.
You arrived at his dorm room. You viciously knocked at the wood. You hear a groan before the door slightly opened. Draco looked at you and his eyes widened. "Malfoy" you snipped. He gulped before opening the door. You walked in and whipped around to face him. "Why have you been ignoring me?" He just looked down. "I- uh" you took a step towards him but he took another one back. "Draco, what's going on?" He looked down and grabbed at his wrist. "Nothing". You just glared at him. "Okay there is clearly something wrong. Why are you ignoring me?" "Well y/n, I've been busy. I have a life outside of our relationship". You roll your eyes. "Okay I get that, but that doesn't give you a reason to ignore your girlfriend"  He slammed his fist down on the table making you jump. "Damnit y/n, the whole world does not just evolve around you". Tears prick your eyes, threatening to fall. Your blood boils, you want to just scream at him. You bite your lip and calmly ask again. "What is your problem?" "I DON'T HAVE A FUCKING PROBLEM Y/N. MAYBE YOUR THE PROBLEM". A tear falls from your eyes. He's never screamed at you before. You knew something was wrong with him, you just didn't know what. Without thinking you screamed back. "OH MY GOD DRACO I'M TRYING TO BE NICE AND HELP YOU BUT NO, YOU WANNA ACT LIKE A DICK AND SHUT ME OUT". He took a step back. You could see his skin turn red with anger, but his eyes had fear in them. He tries to say something but stutters. "WELL DON'T CHICKEN OUT NOW MALFOY SAY SOMETHING". He whips his head up at you. "YOU HAVE NO IDEA WHAT I'M GOING THROUGH. YOU HAVE NO FUCKING CLUE" "THEN TELL ME MALFOY. TELL ME WHAT IS SO WRONG IN YOUR LIFE THAT YOU HAVE TO SHUT EVERYBODY OUT" "I- I can't tell you" "EXACTLY DRACO. YOUR TOO SCARED TO EVEN SAY IT" "YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT YOU'RE TALKING  ABOUT" "THEN WHAT IS IT DRACO? WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG?" "I'M A DEATH EATER"

Your mouth gaped open. Tears steamed down Draco's face. You looked at him but he just looked down. You ran up to him and grabbed his left arm, pulling his sleeve up. There on his arm, was the black mark. You dropped his arm, covering your mouth with your hand. Draco pulled his sleeve back down and sobbed into his hands. You didn't know what to do. All you knew was that you couldn't leave his side. Not now. Not when he needed you to be there for him most. Not when he needed you to be his strength. All you could simply do, was care.
You looked down at the ground and bit your lip. You looked back up to see Draco still sobbing into his hands. You rush up to him and wrap your arms around his waist. He immediately falls to the ground with you still holding him. You move your arms to his neck while he cries into your chest. You run your fingers through his hair while rocking him back and forth. "Shhhhh Dray, it's gonna be okay" you whispered in his ear. He gripped onto your skirt while his head rested in the crook of your neck. Your hand was on the middle of his back rubbing small circles.
He eventually calmed down. He looked exhausted. You were still walking back and forth, his head in your neck, your hands rested on his arms and lap. His breathing evened out. He was still shaking. You sighed before gently pushing him off and getting up. He looked up at you with tear stained cheeks. His eyes were still glossy. You gave him a small smile before reaching your hand down. He slowly brought his up to your, gripping it tightly. You led him over to his bed before lying down, and dragging him in with you. He crawled up next to you before laying down beside you. You placed your hand in the back of his neck and brought his head to your chest. He moved it to the crook of your neck while scooting closer to you. You smiled before grabbing his hand tightly. You ran your fingers through his hair while listening to his shallow breathing. You begin to fall asleep before Draco moves a little, breathes out and says: "I love you"

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