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"She was trying to buy alcoholic drinks!" Brooke exclaims and Parker shrugs.

"You bought alcoholic drinks with a fake ID."

"She was using my real ID!" Brooke exclaims.

"Ballsy move," Parker says, "But I respect it. If Owen hadn't looked at the name and picture, pretty sure she could have gotten away with it."

Brooke narrows her eyes at Parker, "You are a terrible mother."

Parker's eyes grow wide, "Hey! I'm not terrible, I'm just saying that Sam is a teen and she's doing teen things, I mean this was you five years ago so it's really hypocritical that you get mad at her."

"I want a divorce," Brooke says as she heads over to their now shared dresser.

"We're not even married or engaged," Parker says, holding up her left hand, "You know, if you proposed to me right now, we could get married before Lucas and Peyton."

When Brooke doesn't answer her, Parker glances over at her girlfriend, watching as she digs through the dresser, searching for something, but when she doesn't find it, she lets out an angry scream, startling Parker.

"She took my sunglasses!" Brooke says, storming out of the bedroom. Reluctantly, Parker follows her downstairs and into the kitchen. Brooke goes over to her purse which was resting on the counter and searches through that as well before letting out another scream.

"And my wallet!"

Brooke grabs her keys off of the counter and heads out the front door. Parker follows after her, "Brooke, she's at school right now."

"I know," Brooke states.

"Are you going to the high school?"

"Yes," Brooke says, unlocking her car door and getting inside. Parker sighs as she opens the passenger door and climbs inside.

"Just for the record, you're the strict parent," Parker says as she puts on her seatbelt.

"I will literally kill you," Brooke says, and Parker instantly shuts her mouth, looking out the window all the way to the high school.

Brooke storms inside, heading straight for Haley's classroom and parker wonders how Brooke knew which class Sam was in. She shoves the door open and heads over to the back of the classroom where Sam was sitting.

The class silently stares at them and Parker smiles awkwardly, lifting her hand in a wave that a few students return. Parker turns to the front of the classroom where Haley is watching them with an amused smile.

"Hey Hales," Parker greets.

"My best friend, Parker Taylor everyone."

"Is your brother Jesse Taylor?" one of the students ask and another student hits him on the shoulder.

"Dude forget her brother, she's the one that did the MTV interview about being gay," another kid says and Parker's ready for some closed-minded comment to come out of his mouth, "My younger brother is gay. He watched your interview and it gave him the courage to tell our parents."

"Oh," Parker says nodding her head slowly, "That's great."

"Yeah," he says with a huge grin, "I've also seen your work in Time. And you were dating that super-hot model chick, you're like super awesome."

Parker smiles, no one had ever told her that before, "Thanks."

"For the record, Parker is now dating a fashion designer," Brooke decides to add, "A super-hot one."

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