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Parker's phone continued to buzz by her bedside and she had officially had enough. She snatched her phone and flipped it open, "Do you know what time it is?"

"It's the afternoon," she heard Haley's voice say from the other side of the line, "Late night?"

"No," Parker said firmly, "Now what do you want?"

"Well Brooke opened her store for Clothes Over Bros and she has more orders than she can handle."

Parker sighed. First, she had to bail Brooke out of jail, now she wanted her to help make clothes. Why was it always her that Brooke went to?

"Tell her to ask Lucas," Parker said hanging up the phone and going back to bed. It was only a second before the phone rang again and Parker groaned as she grabbed it and answered, "I already told you Haley, I'm not helping!"

"Good thing I'm not Haley," she heard Rachel's sultry voice come from the other side of the line, "Would this be about Brooke's overrated clothing line?"

"You heard about it?" Parker asked, sitting up slightly.

"I ordered something," Rachel told her, "However I don't want to sit there by myself, so I was wondering if you'd come with me?"

Parker had already told Haley no and Brooke and Rachel in the same room seemed like a disaster. There was also the fact that Parker really didn't want to see Lucas and Brooke draped all over each other. They were bad as friends with benefits, imagine them in an actual relationship.

"Please," she heard Rachel plead on the other side of the phone, "I'll do anything you want."

Parker's eyebrows rose at that, "Anything?"

"Anything," Rachel repeated.

"Like you'll let me dye your hair?" Parker smiled as she heard Rachel's laugh through the line.

"I'm offering you the chance to do anything and you want to dye my hair?" Rachel asks.

"Yes?" Parker says, "I mean we already have sex so it's not like I really need to ask you for that."

Rachel chuckled, "Okay then, I'll let you dye my hair."

"Yes!" Parker exclaimed.

"I'll be over to pick you up in thirty minutes," Rachel told her, "See you then."

"Okay," Parker said before hanging up the phone. She smiled as she jumped out of bed, suddenly filled with a burst of energy. She ran to her bathroom and took a shower before going to her closet and picking out an outfit, settling on a cheer jacket and yoga pants. She heard Rachel's horn outside and ran down the stairs and out of the house before jumping into the passenger seat, grinning up at Rachel.

Rachel looked at her with a smile before her eyebrows furrowed, drifting to the cheer jacket that she was wearing, "Is that mine?"

"What?" Parker looked down and just across the chest was Rachel's name written in cursive script, "Oh you must have left it at my house, do you want it back?"

"Definitely not," Rachel told her, "It looks good on you."

"You don't think people are gonna wonder why I'm wearing your jacket?" Parker asks and Rachel just shakes her head.

"Not when I'm wearing yours," Rachel tells her putting the car in drive.

They arrive at Brooke and Haley's apartment and walk into a complete mess. There were children Parker didn't know running around the apartment and she was pretty sure one of them was attacking Mouth.

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