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Weddings in Tree Hill had never gone off smoothly. Keith had been lied to and left at the altar at his wedding. Rachel and Parker got into a car accident after Haley and Nathan renewed their vows. And now there was Lucas's wedding to Lindsey. A wedding that should have a different bride.

"Lucas said that he already showed Lindsey the book," Haley tells her as they enter the church, dress bags in hand.

"And?" Parker asks.

"And he said that she loved it," Haley says with a soft sigh, "I guess we know Lucas and we know that what he was writing was a love letter to Peyton."

"I think Lucas ad Lindsey will divorce after they have their first kid," Parker says thoughtfully and Haley bumps her, causing Parker to laugh as they find Lindsey in the room getting her hair and makeup done.

"Hi!" Lindsey exclaims as they enter.

"Hey," Parker says, "You look beautiful, Lindsey."

"Thank you," Lindsey says, "Have you guys seen Lucas recently?"

"Haley did," Parker says, as she takes a seat in the empty chair beside Lindsey, "Give us the Lucas update."

Haley glares at her, "Lucas is very excited to be your husband. He's also happy that he finished half of his book."

Lindsey's eyes light up, "Have you two read it? It's amazing, isn't it?"

"Sure," Parker deadpans, "If you're into astrology."

Lindsey dismisses Parker's disinterest, "It's not about astrology, it's about longing and finding your purpose."

"Right," Haley agrees, "But today isn't about Lucas's book, it's about you! Are you excited?"

"I am," Lindsey says, "I can't wait to be Lucas's wife."

There's a joke on Parker's tongue, but she decides against as she looks at Lindsey bursting with excitement in her seat. Tree Hill had a history of weddings going bad and for Lindsey's sake, she hoped this one went well.


"So, then Parker told me that she wants to see if I can make her fall in love again!" Brooke squeals, "I am so back in, P. Sawyer!"

Peyton chuckles as she glances over at Brooke, "I'm happy for you."

They were on their way to Lucas and Lindsey's wedding and Brooke was on cloud nine. Well, there was the fact that she had fired her mother from the company and her job as a mother, but that wouldn't cloud the happiness in her life that was Parker Taylor.

However, her best friend was going through a hard time. The love of her life had chosen someone else and it was never easy to attend a wedding of someone that you thought you were supposed to marry.

"I know today isn't easy," Brooke says, "But you're the strongest person I know, and you'll get through it."

"I know," Peyton says with a sigh, "But imagine if Rachel and Parker were getting married-"

"That would never happen," Brooke interrupts, "I'd kill Rachel."

Peyton laughs, "Damn, okay Brooke. Um for the sake of understanding, can you imagine Parker marrying someone else and you not murdering them?"

"Fine, it would suck," Brooke says, "But then it would be okay because then Parker would magically be a widow."

"You're terrible, you know that?" Peyton says shaking her head. They pull up outside of the church and Peyton parks the car, looking at the church.

TROUVAILLE | BROOKE DAVISOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora