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"Which team is better, Duke or Carolina?"

Parker grinned as she looked over at Jake, "Duke, definitely. Coach K is amazing."

"What!" Jake exclaims with a laugh, "I think that's grounds to break up."

"You have to be in a relationship to do that," Parker tells him and suddenly Jake's laughter stops. They were currently in the awkward limb of not knowing what their relationship status was, and now that Parker had brought it up, the air in the room was awkward. Parker stands up, "Um I'm just gonna go."

"Oh," Jake said nodding, he stands as well, "Let me walk you to the door."

She forces a smile and allows Jake to escort her to his front door. They stand awkwardly and Parker looks up at him, "So I'll call you later?"

"Yeah," Jake said with a nod.

Parker drove home and was relieved to see that most of the lights were off in the house. She threw her keys on the counter before running to her room and closing the door. She grabbed her pillow and screamed into it, trying to rid herself of some embarrassment.

Her bedroom door was opened, and Jesse looked at her concerned, "Are you okay?"

"Get out," Parker told him. Jesse's eyebrows rose on his forehead, but he said nothing as he slowly backed out of Parker's room, "Come close the door!" she yelled after him.

The next day she found herself at Lucas's house with Haley. He had finally been released from the hospital, and though they hadn't really talked about their last conversation, Parker assumed everything was fine between the three of them.

"So you broke up with Brooke to be with Peyton?" Haley asked.

Lucas looked at her, "You think I'm wrong?"

"I'm in no position to judge," Haley tells him with a shrug, "The heart wants what it wants right?"

Parker didn't say anything; she instead began to fumble with the sheets on Lucas's bed. She could feel their gazes on her as she glanced up and looked between the two of them.

"What?" she questioned.

"Is there something on your mind?" Haley asked.

"Nope," Parker said, "I'm happy for Lucas and Peyton, sorry for Brooke."

"Okay," Haley said.

The door to Lucas's side bedroom opened and Parker knew that her chance to discuss the awkward moment with Jake was gone. Peyton entered the room wearing another leather jacket, Parker swore that was all her wardrobe consisted of.

"I'm gonna go," Parker said standing up, she didn't bother to greet Peyton as she rushed out of Lucas's house. She heard Haley jogging to catch up with her and let out a sigh. She forgot she was giving Haley a ride home.

"Parker what's up?" Haley asked.

"Nothing," Parker said, but there was so much going on. She couldn't look Brooke in the eye, the girl had called her several times after Lucas had broken up with her, but Parker didn't answer. How could she? She and Jake were in this weird place and the bad thing was Parker felt like she couldn't talk about it.

"Parker I've known you for ten years. You're lying," Haley told her, but Parker just shook her head.

"Do you want a ride home? I have things to do," Parker said as she opened her car door and got in. Haley rushed to the passenger side and got into the car, and from the look in her eyes, Parker knew she wasn't going to drop their conversation.

"Is it Jake?" Haley asked.

"No," Parker lied, "I'm fine."


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