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"Parker, we have a crying baby and we need you!" Peyton said on the phone, "Please help!"

Parker laughs as she hears the baby crying in the background, "I'll be over there as soon as possible."

Parker sighed as she sat up in bed and put on some sweatpants. She walked downstairs and headed next door to Brooke's house. She could surprisingly hear the baby crying from the driveway.

She knocked on the front door and couldn't help but to laugh as the door swung open to reveal a very unhappy Peyton.

The only greeting Parker received was Peyton grabbing her wrist and dragging her into the house. Parker went upstairs and found Brooke rocking baby Angie back and forth, but the gesture was lost on the baby girl who continued crying.

"Let me take her," Parker said holding her hands out to Brooke.

"Are you sure?"

"Brooke, give me the baby," Parker says with a laugh.

Brooke handed Angie over to Parker who grinned as she took her. And suddenly the room was quiet as Parker began to rock Angie.

"Okay, what the hell," Brooke asked.

"I'm like a baby whisper," Parker jokes as she rocks Angie, "Actually, it's about how you hold her."

Peyton smiles, "Well Brooke, it looks like you found a keeper. Hot and good with babies."

Brooke punches Peyton in the shoulder but smiles at the sight of Parker and little Angie.

"I'll stay with her," Parker says looking down at Angie.

"Great. I'm going to sleep," Peyton said turning on her heels and heading to her bedroom.

Parker looked up to see Brooke just staring at her. A blush fell over her cheeks as she looked away shyly, "What?" she asked.

"Nothing," Brooke said, "You're just kinda perfect."

Parker laughs shyly. The room fell silent, Angie's gurgling had come to an eventual stop and when Parker looked down, she saw that the baby in her arms was sound asleep.

"Um I'll put her down and then I'll just head out," Parker says making her way over to Angie's crib. She gently placed the baby down, placing a blanket over her. When she turned to face Brooke, the fashion designer was staring at her.

"Um, good night?" Parker says feeling shy under Brooke's intense gaze.

"You're crazy if you think I'm going to let you leave," Brooke says before pausing, "Okay that sounded a lot more serial killer than I wanted it to."

Parker couldn't help but laugh as she awaited Brooke's correction.

"What I meant was that I want you to stay."

"I would be up for that offer, but you have a baby and a roommate," Parker informs her, but she leans forward and presses a kiss to Brooke's forehead, "I'll be over here first thing in the morning, and we can have breakfast."

Brooke pouts, "I want to wake up with you."

"Don't you think it's a little soon for that?" Parker teases and Brooke rolls her eyes.

"Ugh Parker we dated for like two years, we should honestly be married by now. Besides, I want you to hold me while I'm sleeping and wake me up with kisses!" Brooke demands and Parker laughs as quietly as possible, not wanting to wake up the baby she had just put down.

"You're not winning this argument, Brooke," Parker tells her, "Besides, you wake up early and I like to sleep in."

"I don't wake up early by choice," Brooke says, crossing her arms over her chest, "What if Angie starts crying again?"

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