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Parker flipped through the yearbook. It was far from the masterpiece she wanted, she had no choice but to compromise with the school when it came to certain things, and one of those things was Jimmy Edwards. The school board had come to the unanimous decision that Jimmy was to be removed from the yearbook no matter what. A decision that Parker didn't agree with.

She sighed as she turned to the page Jimmy would have been on to find nothing. No picture, not even a mention. Her eyes drifted over to the next page and found Rachel's picture. Parker sighed as she closed the yearbook, with graduation drawing near she was missing Rachel more than usual, a feeling that was lost on the rest of her friends. Everyone else had their own things to worry about and Parker's worries seemed to single down to Rachel.

Parker grabbed the box of yearbooks and took them to the table where she was in charge of distributing them. There was already a line and she was really dreading the entire process. She went back and grabbed the other box as well as the list of names before she took her place at the table with Gigi Silveri, Mouth's ex-girlfriend.

"Name?" Parker asked with a smile.

Together, Parker and Gigi were able to get rid of the long line, and soon it was just drifters that came to collect their yearbooks during lunch or their free period.

Brooke and Peyton wandered up to the table with wide smiles. Brooke looked like she was seconds away from exploding with excitement and Parker genuinely didn't understand how someone could get so excited over a yearbook.

"Names?" Parker asked, simply trying to get a rise out of them.

"Haley James Scott," Peyton answered with a straight face and Parker chuckles as she crosses off Peyton's name and grabs her yearbook.

"Here you go."

Brooke stares at her expectantly and Parker raises an eyebrow, "Name?"

"Brooke Davis," Brooke tells her, and Parker chuckles as she crosses Brooke's name off and hands her the yearbook.

"You're sleeping on the floor," Brooke tells her before she and Peyton walk away. Parker shakes her head with a small smile.

"You live with her?" Gigi asks curiously and Parker nods, "Are you guys dating?"

Parker's eyebrows furrowed until she realized that Gigi was a Sophomore and probably had no idea about half the drama that Parker and her friends went through. Parker was almost envious of the normal high school experience Gigi was having.

"Yeah," Parker told her, "We've been dating for three months."

"Congratulations!" Gigi told her, "You guys make a really hot couple."

Parker laughed, "Thanks, Gigi."

Haley stormed over to the table and Parker could see that she was furious. Deciding not to play with Haley the way that she had with Brooke and Peyton, Parker crosses of Haley's name and grabs her yearbook, handing it to her.

"My valedictorian speech has been cut," Haley tells her, and Parker's jaw drops.

"What? Why?"

"Because of everything with Nathan," Haley tells her, "The school board doesn't think it's appropriate."

Parker looks over at Gigi, "I totally don't mean to bail but can you cover the table for me?"

"Of course, hot stuff!" Gigi tells her with a wink. Parker's cheeks flush slightly as she stands up and walks with Haley.

"Are you okay?" Parker asks her, "I know you've been looking forward to this since we learned what a valedictorian was."

"Yeah, but I'll be alright," Haley says trying to mask her disappointment, but Parker knows her far too well, "Also, please don't tell Nathan."

TROUVAILLE | BROOKE DAVISOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora