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Parker was actively avoiding Rachel. After her threats to get Parker naked, she wasn't sure how she'd react if she saw Rachel, let alone had another conversation with her. So she steered clear which meant she avoided the cheer squad and headed straight to her locker as she walked into school the next day.

"So, I hear you picked me for the fantasy draft," Jason says as he approaches her locker, "It's an honor to be the only baseball player picked."

Parker rolled her eyes as she shut her locker, "There weren't many options, so I had no choice but to pick you."

"Say what you will, but you picked me," Jason says grinning, "And now we have a date tonight."

Parker frowns, "Pardon?"

"According to a very sad and very unpicked Tim, everyone is going on dates tonight with their draft picks. Ladies are in charge of arranging the whole thing," Jason tells her. Parker wishes she had been there when this was decided because she would have definitely voted against it.

"Right, a date," Parker says and suddenly she saw this as an opportunity. A date with Jason was the perfect thing to get her mind off of Brooke and Rachel, "So what do you want to do?"

Jason smiles at her, "That's for you to decide."

"Then how about-"

"A double date!" Rachel exclaims throwing an arm around Parker's shoulders. Lucas joins them and Parker can see the disappointment on his face at the fact that Brooke didn't pick him.

"Actually, Jason and I were planning on going on a date alone," Parker sees Haley walking down the hall and grabs her arm, "With Haley and Nathan."

"What! No!" Haley exclaims, but Parker ignores her friend's protest.

"Yeah, we're going on a date with Haley and Nathan!" Parker says with a nervous laugh, smiling at Jason.

"Can I talk to you for a moment?" Haley asks as she pulls Parker away from the group. They round a corner and Haley's eye twitches as she looks at Parker, "What the hell are you doing!"

"Last night Rachel was all like 'I'm gonna take your cheer uniform off of you' and I was kinda into it, but if I were to give into Rachel then Brooke would kill me and now, she's trying to go on a double date. Haley, I need your help here."

"I'm trying to save my marriage!" Haley exclaims, "And I cannot do that with you and Jason there!"

Parker pokes Haley in the shoulder, "You know who was fighting for your marriage while you were on tour? Me! You owe me!"

Haley's fist clench and unclench and she let out an annoyed groan, "Fine!"

They round the corner and Parker and Haley both force smiles onto their faces as they look at the group standing there.

"Yeah, Parker and Jason are already coming with Nathan and me," Haley says.

"Great," Rachel says, "Then how about we make it a group date?"

"Seriously?" Parker asks, "Don't you want alone time with Lucas?"

Lucas looks at her shaking his head, but Parker just smiles at him as her eyes go back to Rachel.

"How about we invite Chris and Brooke as well?" Rachel asks, "That way everyone indirectly gets to go on a date with who they want."

Jason's eyebrows furrow, "I'm sorry, but wasn't the whole point of the draft that you get to pick who you want?"

"Yes," Parker says nodding her head as she moves to stand beside Jason. She loops her arm through his and smiles at him, "Which is why you and I should go on a date alone."

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