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Parker was putting her camera in her bag after the game as she waited for her brother to come out of the locker room. She isn't surprised when Peyton and Brooke make their way over to her, no longer in their cheer uniforms.

"There's a party at Nathan's and you're coming," Brooke tells her.

"I think I have to be invited to the party to go," Parker says thoughtfully, and she knew that Nathan Scott did not want her anywhere near his house or beach house or whatever. However, that had been before she had – changed.

"Well Nathan invited me, and I invited you, so that means you can come!" Brooke exclaims.

Parker looked over to Peyton who shrugged, "Pretty much anyone can come."

"Are you guys sure?" Parker asked. She didn't really know what to do with herself at parties and she was certain that she'd just stand in a corner somewhere until it was suitable to leave.

"Parker!" Jesse exclaimed as he ran out of the locker room, "I'm gonna ride with the guys to Nathan's! Don't wait up!"

Peyton and Brooke turned to her with smiles on their faces, "See? Even your little brother is going."

"Jesse is more popular than I am," Parker argued, which was true. When a freshman makes varsity, everyone fawns over them. Her brother was no exception.

"Who cares?" Peyton says, "Look Nathan's even inviting Lucas."

Parker follows Peyton's gaze where sure enough, the Scott brothers are actually talking to each other. There's no fighting or insulting, just a casual conversation. She looks back at Peyton and Brooke, the latter wearing a pout on her lips.

"Please Parker," Brooke pleaded.

Parker rolled her eyes as she gave in, "Fine."

"Yay!" Brooke exclaimed as she locked arms with Peyton, "We'll see you there!"

Parker watched as the two girls wandered off. Lucas came over and took a seat beside her, placing his bag on the bleachers.

"Going to the party?" Lucas asked her.

"I guess," Parker responded, "But I'm going to drive myself, so I show my face and then I disappear."

Lucas laughs, "I don't know, maybe this will be fun."

"You're only saying that because Peyton will be there," Parker told him with a knowing smile. Lucas didn't deny anything as he grabbed his bag and stood up.

"See you at the party?" Lucas asked and Parker nodded.


When Parker arrived at Nathan's beach house, she saw tons of people standing in the front yard and couldn't help but sigh. She could already feel her anxiety acting up. What would she even converse with these people about? Was she dressed appropriately? She should just go home and watch 90210with Grace.

She was about to start her car again when she saw Lucas and Haley greet Nathan. Her best friends were here, so Parker could just cling to them for the duration of the party. That way she couldn't embarrass herself.

She took a deep breath as she got out of her car and closed the car door. She walked quickly so that she could enter the house with Lucas and Haley. When Haley saw her, a smile grew on her face.

"Thank god you're here," Haley told her.

"Likewise," Parker responded.

When they entered the house, Parker was surprised that there weren't more people there. She also observed how nice Nathan's beach house was. Parker was rich, but even she knew good décor when she saw it.

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