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"Brooke this kinda looks like a porn set," Parker said as she looked around Brooke's bedroom. They had rearranged some stuff to make it look like a "presidential office," but to Parker it looked like it had other implications.

"How do you know what a porn set looks like?" Brooke asks raising an eyebrow. Parker's cheeks flush and her gaze drops shyly to the ground.

"Everyone knows what a porn set looks like. It's common knowledge," Parker replies. Wanting to change the direction of the conversation, she grabs her camera, "Ready to pose?"

Brooke nods her head and grabs the Tree Hill pennant, holding up as she takes a seat on the desk. Parker snaps several pictures and Brooke cycles through poses, even taking pictures with the trophy she won at the cheer contest earlier in the year.

"How do I look?" Brooke asks, as she steps away from the desk and looks over Parker's shoulder at her camera. Parker toggles between the different pictures and Brooke lets her know which ones she likes, and which Parker should delete.

"I'll upload these to my computer and then your flyers should be done. You have a slogan in mind?" Parker asked.

"Brooke Davis for president," Brooke tells her with a smile, "Short enough for the stoners to remember."

Parker laughs and looks around at Brooke's bedroom, "Your parents completely cleared your room out."

Brooke sighs, "Which is why I pretty much live at your house."

"Really? I was completely unaware," Parker teases. Brooke rolls her eyes as she let her hair down. She smiles as Brooke shakes her head, letting her hair fall down over her shoulders.

"So we'll put the flyers up at school tomorrow and I should probably do an interview with the newspaper," Brooke says, combing her fingers through her hair. Parker watches the action simply captivated by it.

"Mouth is covering the election, so I'll talk to him about it," Parker tells her, "Anything else?"

"Nope," Brooke says pressing a kiss to Parker's lips, "Everything is perfect."


"Have you seen Haley?" Parker turned away from the flyer to see Nathan standing behind her. Parker shook her head as her eyes drifted to the stack of papers in Nathan's hands.

"What are those?" Parker asked.

"Messages," Nathan said, "Haley's been emailing Chris."

Parker scoffed and returned to putting up Brooke's flyers, "No way."

"Read them," Nathan said shoving the stack of papers in her direction. Parker takes them from Nathan and quickly scans through the messages. There is correspondence between Haley and Chris, but the messages didn't sound like Haley.

"Nathan, Haley wouldn't do this to you," Parker says as she hands the messages back.

"Well she did do it," Nathan says, sighing as he shakes his head, "I'll see you later Parker."

Parker watches silently as Nathan makes his way down the hall as he continues his search for Haley. Parker sighs and hangs the last of the flyers before heading to class.

She heads over to the café after school where Karen is eager to see her.

"Parker!" she exclaims, "How are you?"

"I'm good," Parker said grinning at Karen, "How about you?"

"I've been better," Karen admits, moving to return behind the counter Parker frowns as she takes a seat at the counter, "Lucas wants to move in with Dan."

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