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"Wait a minute," Haley says, sitting up on Parker's bed, "Brooke literally poured her heart out to you and you kissed her on the cheek and ran inside?"

"Haley," Parker says, "Brooke was talking about marriage. I thought she was seconds away from getting on one knee and proposing to me. I mean she won't even make things official between us."

Brooke paces in her shared bedroom with Rachel, "And then she kissed my cheek and told me goodnight."

Rachel's eyebrows furrow in confusion, "Well yeah, you were getting heavy on her. You haven't even asked her to be your girlfriend."

"Well I was going to, but then she went inside," Brooke says before letting out a groan and falling onto the bed.

"I mean we've joked about marriage before, but that's all it was. A joke," Parker says, "I mean how can Brooke be that serious about us?"

Haley laughs as she looks at her, "Because she's crazy in love with you. She had an award made for you. She's been writing you love letters. She made you t-shirts for a college she was sure you'd get into. She may have been confused before, but I think she knows what she wants and that's you."

"I mean," Brooke begins looking over at Rachel, "What if she isn't that serious about us? Maybe she still wants you."

Rachel rolls her eyes, "You're an idiot. Parker is so in love with you that it's kind of gross. I mean yeah, I'm great and I'll always have a special place in her heart, but you own that heart Brooke. Parker was willing to die for you in that school. She looks at you like you're the reason the stars are in the sky, so you need to get off of your ass and go get your girl."

Brooke nods her head, suddenly motivated by Rachel's words, "You're right."

"I think I'm gonna avoid her," Parker says, "Things are gonna be weird, right? So I should just steer clear."

"That's literally the last thing you should do," Haley tells her with a sigh, "We should get to school. Today's a big day and I have to tutor Rachel."

Parker scoffs, "Tutor Rachel in what?"

"Calculus, turns out she's failing."

Parker's eyebrows furrow, "Really?"

"Yeah," Haley tells her, "Everyones telling me that I should be the bigger person and tutor her, so I am but I hate her. What did you even see in her?"

Parker chuckles, "Well you haven't seen her with her clothes off."

"Ew!" Haley exclaims, covering her ears as Parker laughs loudly.

"I'm kidding," she tilts her head, "Kind of. Rachel's actually super nice when you get to know her. She puts up a front but under that she's super caring."

Haley smiles at her, "You have a type."

"Really?" Parker asks, "What is it, hot cheerleaders?"

"Bitchy cheerleaders," Haley tells her, "That seem to only become soft when it comes to you."

Parker opens her mouth to argue, but there was no point. Haley was right, Brooke and Rachel weren't that different. In fact, they were very similar which said more about Parker than either one of them.

Parker sighs as she grabs her gym bag and her bookbag, "Come on, we should get to school."

"Fine," Haley says, "But I'm not letting you avoid Brooke."

The day breezes by and Parker makes it the entire day without running into Brooke once. However, she was completely unaware that Brooke had spent her entire day seeking her out. Somehow, their paths didn't cross until it was time to drive up for the state championship.

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