one hundred and five.

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"Which one do you think Parker would like?"

Grace and Sam both bent over to look at the ring displays. Brooke watched as they exchange whispers, pointing to rings and voicing their opinions. They nod their heads, turning at the same time to look at Brooke.

"Honest opinion?" Sam asks and Brooke nods, "Parker would probably hate all of these."

"What?" Brooke asks as she steps forward, ending over to get a look at the rings on display. They were a bit flashy, but Brooke didn't think that Parker would hate all of them unless Brooke didn't know Parker as well as she thought.

She straightened up and walked away from the display. Grace and Sam looked at her curiously as Brooke pulls out her phone and dials a number.

"Who are you calling?" Sam asks.

"Your English teacher," Brooke says as the phone rings twice when Haley answers.

"Brooke this better be important. Nathan and I are celebrating our anniversary," Haley tells her.

"Oh please, you guys have been married forever. You know who hasn't? Me and Parker. I'm trying to pick out her ring so I can propose to her, but I'm scared that I might get something too flashy, and she'll hate it and say no."

"Brooke, Parker will love it no matter what," Haley tells her, "Because she loves you."

"That's reassuring and not helpful at all at the same time," Brooke mutters, "Thanks Hales, enjoy your anniversary with Nate."

Brooke hangs up the phone and shoves it into her purse before looking back at Sam and Grace, "We're going to another store."

"Okay," Sam says.

One store turns into seven and they still don't find a ring, Brooke shooting down every single one.

"There is nothing good enough!" Brooke says as they leave the eighth jewelry store.

"Brooke, I don't know if you know this or not, but I am nine months pregnant," Grace says, "My water might break with all this shopping."

Brooke sighs, "I'm sorry, Grace. I just want this to be perfect."

"It will be," Sam tells her, "Look, Haley was right. Parker loves you and she doesn't care what the ring looks like."

"Um guys," Grace says and they both look at her, "I think my water actually just broke."

"No," Brooke says in disbelief, then she thinks about Grace getting birthing juice all over the leather seats of her car, "No!"

"I don't think that's the appropriate reaction to someone giving birth," Sam says pointing a finger at Brooke. She places a hand on Grace's back, rubbing it gently, "What do you need."

"A hospital and Julian," Grace says, and Brooke rolls her eyes at the mention of the latter.

"Okay Brooke will get you to the hospital and I'll call Julian," Sam says, ushering Grace toward Brooke's car.

"Wouldn't it be quicker if we called an ambulance?" Brooke asks.

Sam looks at her, "No because the ambulance would have to get here and then go to the hospital."

Brooke pouts, "But my leather seats."

"Brooke Penelope Davis I am not giving birth in front of a jewelry store because you don't think there is a perfect ring for my sister and because you're worried about your leather seats!" Grace yells.

"I'm sorry," Brooke says sheepishly, opening the passenger door. Sam helps Grace in the car and Brooke rushes over to the driver's side. Sam gets in the backseat, dialing Julian and telling him to meet them at the hospital.

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