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Parker stood outside of Carl's Crab Shack and watched with a raised eyebrow as Brooke stood there in a crab uniform. She lifted her camera and snapped a couple of pictures, knowing that Brooke wasn't going to keep this job long, not when she had to dress as a crab, but she wanted to keep the memento.

"Hey Brooke," Parker said approaching her girlfriend. Brooke's face lit up at the sight of Parker, but she still looked beyond miserable.

"Hey Photographer Girlfriend," she greeted, but the nickname didn't have the same enthusiasm as it usually did.

"You know I'm sure my mom can get you a job assisting with her at her business," Parker told her, but Brooke was already shaking her head.

"No, your mom's doing enough by letting me stay with you," Brooke says with a sigh, "I just wish that I had gotten that waitressing position."

"Well you could always quit, and I could be your sugar mama," Parker suggests smiling at Brooke.

Brooke laughs, "As tempting as that sounds, I couldn't take you up on that."

"Hey!" Parker and Brooke both turn toward the restaurant where Carl, the owner, stands. His arms are crossed over his chest and he's looking at Brooke and Parker with annoyance, "Get back to work!"

"Hey Carl, I've been at this for three hours, when do I get a break?" Brooke shouts back.

"According to the state, I'm not obligated to give you one," Carl says before heading back inside. Brooke lets out something resembling a groan and Parker frowns.

"I could have my dad buy this restaurant and then you'll definitely get a waitressing position," Parker suggests. It earns another smile from Brooke and it makes her feel as though she accomplished her task.

"You're sweet," Brooke says, "But people don't casually buy restaurants for their friends."

"I'd buy you a lot more than a restaurant if I could," Parker tells her, and Brooke's lips jut out in a pout.

"Aww Parker," Brooke says, she brings her hand up to stroke Parker's cheek, but instead she whacks Parker with her costume claw. Parker winces and laughs as Brooke begins to apologize, "Parker I am so sorry."

Parker laughs, "It's fine. Really."

"So what are you doing for the rest of the day?" Brooke asked.

"Well I was going to go to sit at home and wait for you to get off, but then I decided to go to Haley's. See how she and Nathan are doing after the formal debacle."

"I'll miss you," Brooke says and Parker smiles, wishing that she could kiss Brooke.

"I'll see you soon," Parker tells her. She grins and holds her hand up for a high five. It had become their thing. Brooke rolls her eyes playfully, but high fives Parker.

"You're a dork," Brooke says, "Now quit distracting me."

"Bye!" Parker says as she walks down the street to where her car was parked. She drove over to Nathan and Haley's apartment and knocked on the door. The door swung open to reveal a familiar face, but not one that she was expecting.

"You're not Haley," Parker says tilting her head, "Taylor?"

"You know me?" Taylor says smirking, then it fades away as she trails her eyes up and down Parker, "Wait a minute. Parker?"

"Hey," Parker waves awkwardly.

Taylor smiles as she checks Parker out again, "Damn girl. These past three years were really kind to you."

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