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"So who are you picking for the fantasy boy draft?" Rachel asks as they leave the cheer meeting. Parker heads over to her locker and opens it as Rachel leans beside it, waiting patiently for her answer. 

"Why so you can steal him?" Parker teases as she closes her locker.

"Maybe," Rachel responds, "But really, who are you into? Is it that hot cowboy from the party?"

"Jason?" Parker asks, "Yeah that's not gonna happen."

Parker closes her locker and starts walking down the hall and Rachel chases after her, "And why's that? He's kinda cute."

"I'm not interested," Parker tells her, "What about you? Actually, let me guess, Lucas?"

"Am I that transparent?" Rachel asks her with a grin. Parker rolls her eyes and notices that she and Rachel are being stared at as they walk. Parker stops and turns around to see guys still watching them.

"Okay, what the hell," Parker says, "Why are they looking at us?"

"They want you to pick them for the draft," Rachel bites her lip, "Watch this."

Rachel takes Parker's bookbag and throws it on the ground. Within a second, several guys have rushed forward to pick up her bag and the contents within that had spilled on the ground. They hand her the bag with wide smiles and Parker takes it with an awkward grin.

"Thanks," Parker told them as she slung her bag over her shoulder. She made her way over to Rachel who laughed at her.

"Try not to look so awkward!" the new girl told her as she bumped her shoulder, "You hold the power, not them."

"I know but that doesn't change the fact that this is a little weird," Parker says.

Rachel steps in front of Parker placing a hand on each of her shoulders. She smiles widely, her eyes flickering over Parker's shoulder as she speaks, "Listen, you've got to get used to this Parker. You're hot."

Parker rolls her eyes and is surprised as Rachel leans forward and presses a kiss to her cheek. Rachel pulls away, still grinning as she wraps her arm around Parker's waist and directs her down the hall. Parker looked over her shoulder and saw Brooke standing there, eyes narrowed at the two of them. Parker said nothing as she turned forward again, engaging in conversation with Rachel.

"So why Lucas?" Parker asked, "I mean, I guess he's hot if you're into the broody basketball player."

Rachel laughs, "He is hot, but it's more than that. I like getting under Brooke's skin."

"Why's that?" Parker asks, "I feel like ever since you moved here you've been after her."

Rachel smiles at her, "Very observational of you and I have. I think someone should knock her down a peg or two. I thought you'd agree since the two of you have history."

Parker shrugs, "Our history isn't bad. We just aren't as close."

"Is it because of Peyton?" Rachel asks, "Because she and Brooke give off some weird lesbian vibes."

Parker's heart stops beating for a moment as she looks at Rachel. There was no way she knew about her and Brooke, yet the comment made her think that she had an idea, or was well on her way to piecing the puzzle together

"Um no," Parker says, "Peyton and Brooke were friends before me."

"Ah that explains the energy," Rachel tells her as she looks at Parker. Her smile fades away, "Not that there's anything wrong with that. I think Ellen is great."

Parker laughs shaking her head, "I'm not a lesbian."

"Oh?" Rachel says surprised, "I mean I didn't think you were."

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