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Parker sat in her room listening to some soft rock record she had borrowed from Peyton. She was adding the finishing touches to her English paper when there was a knock on her bedroom door. She turned in her chair as Brooke skipped into her room happily.

"Hi Photographer Girlfriend," Brooke greeted grinning widely.

"Hey," Parker said unable to help herself as a smile overtook her lips, "What are you doing here?"

"Well," Brooke said holding up Parker's journal, "I've been doing some light reading and I just wanted to clarify some things with the author."

Parker laughed and nodded her head, "Okay. Shoot."

Brooke sits down at the end of her bed and begins turning in Parker's journal. As the pages flip, Parker notices sticky notes in the pages that certainly weren't there before. Parker lets out a small laugh as she looks up at Brooke's concentrated face.

"Did you annotate my journal?" Parker asks. Brooke stops turning and looks up at her.

"Like that thing teachers tell us to do?" Brooke asks before waving a hand dismissively, "I guess."

She turns a little more before stopping on a specific page, "Here it is! The day we were forced to be lab partners."

"Forced is a word with a negative connotation," Parker told her, "I certainly didn't feel forced."

"Fine," Brooke said rolling her eyes, "The day we were selected to be partners, you wrote about how you'd never forget this moment because I told you that you were the smartest person I'd ever met."

Parker hides her face in her hands, embarrassed and she can hear Brooke's soft laughs coming from across her, "Aww Parker."

She feels as Brooke wraps her hands around her wrist tugging gently. Parker removes her hands from her face and glances up at Brooke who's smiling widely at her.

"I still think you're the smartest person I've ever met," Brooke says, "And the prettiest, and the sweetest."

"Ugh," Parker groans out, "Stop complimenting me!"

Brooke laughs, throwing her arms around Parker's neck and crawling into her lap, "Never! You're gorgeous my darling! Your hair has more volume than Peyton's!"

Parker laughs softly and Brooke leans closer, "You're also a really good kisser."

Brooke presses her lips to Parker's, fingers getting lost in Parker's hair. Parker's hands drop down Brooke's back, getting dangerously close to her ass. She tugged Brooke closer causing her to smile into the kiss.

"A really really good kisser," Brooke says, her lips ghosting over Parker's as she speaks. Parker leans forward to kiss her again and Brooke allows her. This kiss much more passionate than the previous one. Parker's hands actually do slide down to Brooke's ass, squeezing gently. Brooke moans into the kiss and Parker pulls away, staring at her surprised.

"What?" Brooke asked, her cheeks flushed.

"Nothing," Parker says shaking her head. Her heart is pounding in her chest and she can feel a subtle throbbing between her legs. Brooke made her feel things that she had never felt before and Parker loved it.

"So Lucas and Nathan are going out of town which means Haley has the apartment to herself," Brooke says as she begins to play with one of Parker's curls.

"Please tell me you aren't thinking of throwing a party?" Parker really didn't want to attend another party, in fact, she had been to enough parties to last her a lifetime.

"No," Brooke said, "Haley is hosting a sleepover."

Parker raised an eyebrow, "Is Haley hosting it or are you hosing it using Haley's apartment?"

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