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"I can't believe mom let you move in with Brooke," Grace says as she looks around the apartment. As soon as they got back from Texas, Brooke had asked Jessica if it would be alright for the two of them to move in and Jessica had agreed, surprising Parker.

"I can't either," Parker says eyebrows knitting together, "Then again everyone in this town moves way faster than they should."

Grace laughs, "So how have you been?"

"Great! If you exclude the sex tape, losing Rachel, Haley getting hit by a car, Lucas having a heart attack and the fact that I made a really embarrassing campaign to get everyone to name their kid after me."

Grace's eyebrows raise in surprise, "Wait, where's Rachel?"

Parker shrugs, "Probably in Europe somewhere hooking up with guys that speak Spanish and girls that speak French."

"You sound upset," Grace says.

"I'm not!" Parker says quickly, "I just miss her."

"Sure," Grace says, "You know, I love Brooke, but you and Rachel were cute together."

"You saw us lying together in a hospital bed," Parker points out.

"Yeah, but she could have been anywhere else, but she was with you. Then there's the fact that you got in a car with her while she was drunk and drove off a bridge," Grace says with a shrug.

"I took a bullet for Brooke," Parker says, suddenly feeling like she needed to defend herself for choosing Brooke. She loved Rachel, but she was in love with Brooke. There was also the fact that she would probably never see Rachel again.

Grace laughs, "Don't get so defensive. I know you love Brooke. You love Rachel too though."

"Yeah, she's one of my best friends," Parker says and Grace nods slowly as if she didn't fully believe what Parker was saying.

"Right," Grace says, "While thinking about your recent traumas, I have to say I do not miss this town."

"I don't blame you," Parker says with a laugh, "But it'll be really cool next year, you'll get to see Nathan and Haley at Duke."

"Yeah, I can't believe Nathan Scott is going to Duke. I mean athletic wise, I understand, but academically," Grace trails off and Parker laughs again, knowing what her sister was getting at.

The front door to the apartment opens and Grace and Parker watch as Brooke and Peyton walk in with laughing.

"Hey," Parker says with a small wave.

"Grace!" Brooke says, totally ignoring Parker and rushing over to hug her older sister.

Parker pouted and Peyton came over and gave her a hug, "I'm happy to see you."

"Thanks, Peyton," Parker says as she looks at her girlfriend and her sister. Brooke had now climbed into Grace's lap, her arms wrapped loosely around Grace's neck.

"I see you every day, I never get to see Grace," Brooke says.

"Yeah Parker, have some respect," Grace says with a laugh.

"Whatever," Parker says rolling her eyes, "I'm going somewhere I know I'm wanted. To see Haley."

"Does she really want to see you?" Peyton asks.

"Hey, just because the two of you are friends again does not mean that you get to bully me," Parker says pointing a finger at Peyton.

"I think that it does," Peyton teases, looking over at Brooke, "Permission to bully?"

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