one hundred and two.

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"I talked to the police they said that they can't do anything," Brooke says slamming the phone down on the counter. Parker sighed. They'd searched all night for Sam and couldn't find her. Tree Hill was only so big and there were only so many places she could be.

"She's fifteen with no money," Parker states, "She couldn't have gone far."

"We've searched all of Tree Hill and we haven't found her," Brooke swallows, "What if someone took her? Parker what if someone has her and is-"

"Brooke," Parker interrupts, "Sam is smart. She's been on her own before, she'll be fine."

"That doesn't make me worry any less," Brooke sighs, resting her head on the kitchen counter. Parker knew she was tired; they hadn't slept all night and she knew the fatigue was catching up to Brooke.

"I'll keep looking," Parker tells her, "You go sleep."

Brooke lifts her head off the counter, "I'm coming with you."

"No," Parker tells her firmly, "You need sleep."

"So, do you!"

Parker's lips turn up in a small smile as she kisses the top of Brooke's head, "Get some sleep, then you can come and relieve me of my duty."

"No," Brooke tells her firmly, "I'm coming with you."


"Sam is our responsibility," Brooke tells her, "If we're looking for her, then we're doing it together."

Parker exhales, realizing there was no point in fighting Brooke on this. They get in the car and drive around the city, still finding no signs of Sam. They call the school and Haley to find that Sam hadn't shown up there either.

Then it hits Brooke.

"John Daniels," Brooke says, "The boy that was climbing out of Sam's window. The one that slept in her bed. She could be with him."

"We don't know where he lives," Parker says, "We don't even know if he's at home. His brother beats him, right? He could be sleeping on the streets for all we know."

"It's worth a shot," Brooke tells her, and Parker nods her head in agreement.

They wait till after school hours before going to ask Haley if she had any information on John Daniels.

"He skips school a lot. He's very quiet," Haley reaches into her desk, pulling out a folder. She pulls out a stack of papers, looking at each name. When she finds John's, she pulls it out and looks at it, "His address is on here if you need it."

Brooke snaps a quick picture of it and smiles gratefully at Haley.

"Thank you so much for this," Brooke tells her.

"Of course," Haley says, "I knew what it was like when Jamie was missing."

Parker huffs, "Yeah, that sucked like hell. This sucks like hell."

"Welcome to parenthood," Haley tells them as her eyes dance between them, "You two really care about Sam, huh?"

Parker shrugs, "She kind of grew on us."

"She just fits, you know?" Brooke says, "I mean she fits perfectly."

Parker looks at Brooke, wondering what was going through her head as her girlfriend bit her lip nervously.

"Anyway," Brooke says holding her phone up, "Parker and I should go."

Haley nods and smiles at the two of them, "Good luck, guys."

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