one hundred and three.

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There's a loud knock at the door and Parker groans as she goes to answer it. She opens the door to reveal Julian holding a tray of coffee cups.

"I suppose you're here to see Brooke?" she asks, and Julian nods his head.

"Brooke, Peyton's annoying ex is here!" Parker shouts as she lets Julian into the house. He chuckles as he closes the door behind himself.

"It's like six in the morning," Sam says as she stumbles out of her room.

"It's actually noon," Julian tells her, and Sam rolls her eyes.

Brooke comes downstairs, "Hey Julian I know that we were supposed to look at costumes, but I've been dealing with a lot of press."

Parker holds up a magazine, "Brooke."

She holds up another one, "Me."

Then she holds up a third magazine, "Me and Brooke."

"Wow love the diversity," Julian chuckles, "I'll leave you two to deal with the tabloids. Besides, I have a date today."

"A date?" Parker asks, "With who?"

"Oh! Does she have red hair? Slightly tall? You might see her on a runway on occasion?" Brooke wonders and Parker rolls her eyes as she realizes that Brooke is asking about Rachel who hadn't even been in town the last two weeks.

"Um no," Julian answers as he looks at Parker, "I actually have a date with your sister."

Parker looks around, realizing that he could only be talking about her sister, "I'm sorry, did you say you're going on a date with my sister? As in Grace Taylor? As in the crazy pregnant lady who made me drive to five stores for pickles and ice cream?"

Julian smiles and nods his head, "That would be the one."

Parker narrows her eyes at him, "You do know that she's pregnant, right? Like there will be a baby born in about four months."

"I am aware of that," Julian tells her.

"And you're still taking her out on a date?" Parker can't help but ask once more.


Parker shrugs, "Okay then, um treat her right I guess."

Julian laughs and shakes his head, "I will. I'll just leave the coffee here and Brooke, call me when things die down."

"I will," Brooke says as Julian heads out of the house.

"When was the last time the two of you went on a date?" Sam asks as she looks between the two adults. Parker looks at Brooke thoughtfully and it seemed that her girlfriend didn't know the answer to that question either.

"Um, high school?" Parker answers.

"What about New York?" Brooke asks and Parker shakes her head.

"We never went out because your mom said it would ruin the image of the company," and Brooke nods her head in agreement.

Sam looks at the two of them concerned, "You mean the two of you haven't been on a date in almost five years?"

"Um yes," Parker answers.

"That is terrible!" Sam exclaims, "You two need to go out. Like right now."

Brooke scoffs, "We can't go out right now, our lives are a mess, and you were kidnapped."

"I'll go stay with Jessica, no biggie," Sam says with a shrug, "Besides the two of you could use a night to yourselves."

TROUVAILLE | BROOKE DAVISOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora