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Parker sat in study hall, twirling a pen in her hand as she waited for the school day to come to a close. She had finished all of her homework for the weekend, and now she was trying to think of possible headlines for tonight's basketball game.

Beside her, Jake had a textbook open on his desk, but Parker could tell that her wasn't actually reading it. She couldn't help but glance over at him occasionally. When she looked over at him for what might have been the fifteenth time, Jake looked up and smiled at her.

Parker returned the smile and shyly brushed a lock of hair behind her ear. Seconds later, Jake slid a note onto her desk. She looked up at him questionably, but he had gone back to pretending to read his textbook.

Are you going to the game tonight?

Parker bit her lip as she wrote yes and slid the note onto Jake's desk. He waited a moment before opening the letter and grinning widely. He quickly wrote something down before sliding the letter back onto Parker's desk.

That's good because I have something to give you.

Parker wrote down 'what?'in sloppy cursive and placed on Jake's desk. He didn't reply and instead just shoved the note into a random page of his textbook. Looking at the clock, Parker saw that there was still thirty minutes left in the school day.

Growing impatient, Parker began to chew on the cap of the pen. She was curious as to what Jake was going to give her and these thirty minutes seemed to be the longest of her life. When the bell rang, Parker nearly jumped out of her seat and onto Jake.

"So, what did you want to give me?"

Jake laughs, "You're really impatient."

"Yes," Parker said grinning, "So?"

She watched as Jake reached into his bag and pulled out his Varsity jacket. Parker eyed it and then looked up to Jake, "You're giving me your jacket?"

"It's this thing the guys do when they like someone," Jake says hesitantly.

Parker's eyes grow wide as she looks at Jake, "You like me?"

"Yeah," Jake answered as he scratched the back of his neck.

"Oh," Parker said nodding her head slowly. No one had ever told her that they liked her, so she was stunned to silence.

"Jagielski!" both of them look at the classroom door to see Coach Durham, "Stop flirting with the journalist and get on that bus!"

Jake nodded bashfully, "Yes sir."

Jake turned back to Parker and began shoving his jacket into his bag, "I guess I'll see you at the game."

"Right," Parker said softly. When both Coach Durham and Jake were out of hearing distance, Parker let out a groan. She had embarrassed herself and probably embarrassed Jake.

"Parker," Haley said as she walked by the classroom, "Did something happen?"

"Jake told me he likes me," Parker confided in Haley, "And I froze like an idiot."

"You didn't say anything?" Haley asked and Parker shook her head.

They walked out of the school building and headed toward the bus lot where they were taking students to the away game tonight. Parker let out a sigh as she looked at the bus and quickly turned to Haley.

"I can't get on that bus," Parker said, "Jake probably hates me."

"Parker, you can do this. After the game, you can just tell Jake that you want to talk and then tell him how you really feel," Haley advises. Parker knew she was right, communication was key.

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