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Brooke opens the front door to her house only to see a familiar redhead standing there. Rachel looks at her with a wide smile and Brooke sighs audibly, "You have got to be kidding me."

"Hey Brooke," Rachel greets.

"Why are you here?" Brooke asks her, not in the mood to deal with Rachel today.

"Don't worry, I'm not here to steal Parker from you. I just want to talk to her," Rachel says as she looks inside of Brooke's house, "Is she inside?"

"No, she's at Haley's," Brooke answers, "And what the hell do the two of you need to talk about?"

Rachel sighs, "A lot of stuff. You know, before Parker and I dated we were friends."

"No, you weren't," Brooke answers, "You two were friends with benefits, then you dated, then you were friends. So, I'm asking you again, what do you want to talk to her about?"

Rachel rolls her eyes, "I know you're a bitch, but please stop acting so territorial right now. I broke up with Parker, remember? You should be thanking me honestly."

Brooke was seconds away from jumping on Rachel and choking her in broad daylight, for everyone to see, "Thanking you?"

"We both know Parker would have never broken up with me, despite her feelings for you, so you're welcome."

Brooke takes a deep breath before closing the door in Rachel face. She was not in the mood to deal with her and her bitchiness. She had better things to do, like call Parker and yell at her.

Parker answered after the first ring, but Brooke didn't give her the chance to speak, "Why is Rachel in Tree Hill?"

There was silence before Parker asked, "Rachel's here?"

"Yes, Rachel's here and she said the two of you need to talk!" Brooke exclaims, "What the hell do you two need to talk about?"

"I don't know," Parker says, "She's just been saying that we need to talk."

Brooke frown deepens, "She's been calling you, Parker? And you've kept it from me?"

Parker sighs loudly, "There was never really a good time to bring it up with Angie and Grace and the attack and Quentin. Things have been chaotic, and I didn't want to make it worst."

"Congratulations, you failed!" Brooke says before hanging up the phone.

Parker stares at the phone and looks up at Haley who is laughing loudly at her.

"You screwed up," Haley tells her.

Parker rolls her eyes, "I know that."

Nathan jogs downstairs and presses a kiss to Haley's forehead and then Parker's. He pauses after the action and Parker looks up at him with a smile, "Aww thanks Nate, I love kisses."

"It's the only kisses you'll be getting now that you're in the doghouse," Haley teases and Parker mocks her before sighing loudly.

"Uh oh," Nathan says with a grin, "What did you do?"

"Rachel may have been calling me and I didn't tell Brooke and now Rachel is back in Tree Hill," Parker says. Nathan chuckles as he looks at her.

"Yeah that was stupid," Nathan tells her.

"Hey, you can't talk! You made out with the nanny!" Parker retorts.

"Okay, too far," Haley says. The wound would have been closed if it hadn't been for Carrie's ass kidnapping Dan and torturing him as a ploy to kidnap Jamie, but now the crazy nanny was dead, and all was right in Tree Hill.

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