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"Holy shit, you're married!" Parker exclaimed as she stared at the ring on her best friend's hand.

"I'm married!" Haley exclaimed and the two of them began squealing uncharacteristically. Parker then frowns and slaps Haley on the shoulder.

"I was supposed to be your maid of honor! You promised me when we were nine!"

"It was spur of the moment!" Haley quickly defended, "And if Nathan and I ever get married again, that Maid of Honor position is totally yours."

"Deal," Parker says, "I also call being godmother to any and all children."

Haley rolls her eyes, but smiles widely at Parker, "That's yours as well."

"Yes! Okay, now time to ask the serious questions. How did the parents react?"

Haley shrugs, "My parents were fine with it. Deb? Not so much."

"Yikes," Parker said, "Are you sure you aren't pregnant?"

This time Haley shoves her, "No! Nathan and I are just in love."

Parker smiles at her best friend before her phone suddenly starts ringing in her pocket. She pulls it out and sees that it's Lucas calling. She shows Haley who smiles at the caller ID.

"Greetings," Parker says into the phone.

"I need you to meet me somewhere," Lucas says into the phone. Parker's eyebrows furrow.

"What? Why?" Parker questions.

"It's a surprise. I'll send you the address. Bye," Lucas says before hanging up. Parker stares at the phone before glancing at Haley.

"I have to go," she said, "But we'll hang out later and I really am happy for you Hales."

"Thanks, Parker," Haley says grinning widely, "It means a lot."

Parker leaves Nathan's apartment and drives over to the address Lucas had sent her, which was a weird abandoned building. There were two other cars parked outside, which Parker knew belonged to Lucas and Peyton She sighed as she knew she was about to be a member of awkward conversation.

"Parker!" Lucas exclaimed, "I'm glad you're here!"

"Yeah, you mysteriously called and summoned my presence," Parker said as she made her way over to stand beside Brooke and Peyton.

"Lucas wants to throw Haley and Nathan a party," Brooke informs her.

"That's nice," Parker says, smiling at Lucas, "What do you need me to do?"

"Pictures?" Lucas says and Parker doesn't know why she thought that she would be used for any other talents, because she didn't have any.

"You got it," Parker said, pumping a fist. Everyone stares at her and Parker quickly lowers it, "I'll see you guys at school," she mutters.


"Besties," Parker says when she sees Haley and Lucas walking in the parking lot, "Bestie-in-law," she says to Nathan who laughs at the nickname.

"We're besties?" Nathan asks her and Parker nods her head.

"It's automatic since you married Haley," Parker tells him and Nathan sighs dramatically.

"Well, if I have too," he says and Parker hits him on the shoulder, grinning widely.

"Hey, remember who takes your pictures," she teases, and Nathan just laughs.

"Oh look it's Brittany Spears and whoever she married this week," Brooke says as the four of them near her and Peyton, "I have a question for you guys. What do you think, pink booties or blue?"

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