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"You're still good to take pictures at Tric's opening?" Parker rolled her eyes at the question. Peyton had been pestering her all week to take pictures of the grand opening, and though Parker had already confirmed, Peyton seemed to think that Parker was going to flake.

"Yes, Peyton. Now stop asking," Parker told her with a laugh.

"I'm sorry. I just need everything to be perfect," Peyton told her, and Parker figured that Peyton was under a lot of stress from the whole situation.

"Everything's going to be fine," Parker told her with a reassuring smile.

"I hope so," Peyton replied. They stopped walking when they saw a table set up with a giant sign that said GIVE GENEROUSLY. Parker raised her eyebrows as she saw Brooke holding a jar, collecting money from people.

"What's this?" Peyton asked as she stopped in front of the table.

"Oh you know, just doing work for needy people," Brooke said with a grin.

"Brooke this picture is from an ad for cramp medicine," Peyton deadpanned.

Parker glanced at the picture as Brooke said, "Wow homeless and PMS-ing. Poor girl."

"Brooke!" Parker and Peyton said at the same time.

"Alright, the money is for me. I'm the needy one as in I need some things for the club opening," Brooke said, and Parker couldn't help but laugh.

"You could just borrow clothes," Parker suggested.

"Or get a job," Peyton offered.

"Yeah, like what are your skills?" Parker asked.

"I'm good with guys. Dates, dating."

"Anything else?" Parker asked.

"Sex, but-"

"That would make you a hooker," Peyton says, and Parker can't help but laugh. Peyton pats Brooke on the shoulder, "Haley and I are going shopping later."

"Or you can come raid my closet," Parker told her, "I have a bunch of clothes that I think you might love."

Brooke smiles at her, "I might just take you up on that."

"Cool," Parker says, "See you then."

Peyton and Parker walk inside the school and head toward their lockers. Parker puts in her combination and Peyton leans against her locker, "You and Brooke?"

Parker's heart drops to her stomach as she stops putting in her combination, "Me and Brooke?"

"Yeah," Peyton says with a laugh, "You guys have gotten really close. You trying to take my spot?"

Parker laughs despite still being slightly on edge about Peyton's question, "I'm not trying, I've already done it."

Peyton laughs and Parker continues to put in her combination, opening her locker and places all of her books inside. She notices Anna walking down the hall and waves her over.

"Hey," Parker greets, "Anna this is Peyton. Peyton meet Anna."

"You're Felix's sister, right?" Peyton asked and Anna nodded her head.

"Sadly, that's true," Anna said, earning a laugh from Parker and Peyton. Parker closed her locker and tugged her backpack strap up her shoulder as she turned to face Peyton and Anna.

"So there's this band thing tonight," Peyton said, "You should come."

"Really?" Anna asked looking over at Parker, "Are you going?"

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